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  1. NIGHTHAWK1's post in How to add the FCR? was marked as the answer   
    Need to go to mission editor to add FCR dome.  Reported that in future it will be a part of the reload/rearm, but not yet.  You have to goto to where  waypoints, armanment line is and over to the left is [...], click on that and then un-check FCR off.
  2. NIGHTHAWK1's post in NDB at Kutasi not working was marked as the answer   
    i did find my error in that 113 is not the ndb but 477.  really hard to see on the f10 map.
  3. NIGHTHAWK1's post in FCS problems was marked as the answer   
    I found out that FLAPS must be "full" down before conducting FCS (Y Key) test.  Was doing 'cold and dark' starts and was not getting "go" after test.  Try this and see if that fixes the problem.  Same problem of one LEF down and the other up.
  4. NIGHTHAWK1's post in Kneeboard-AH-64 png's show up on F-18 kneeboard was marked as the answer   
    Recently I have been putting all new kneeboard checklist etc into correct folders as you have above.  I put some into a kneeboard file/folder a few months ago and cannot find them now to remove them. I do not have a """DCS.openbeta\kneeboard\""" files.  Mine are only just """"\saved games \DCS\kneeboards"""   I have a steam beta edition so part of my files are under    \programfiles(x86)\steam\steamapps\common\DCSworld\etc.  Do not know why I have two different places where DCS resides but I do.  I just presumed it was because of being from Steam.  I really do believe there was a generic "kneeboard" file under the basic file structure under the steam files that was changed with one of the last few updates.   Any thoughts??  Not a game stopper, just annoying. It does not appear to be map or mission related.
    edit  The kneeboard pages i do not want show up in all my fixed wing, f-18, f-16, f-14,p-51  do not show up in UH-1 or UH-60
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