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Posts posted by TasDozer

  1. Strange bug with the second mission - was RTB with the cat sat on my lap, but whenever I stopped petting the cat to put either hand on the controls, the cat would attack my HOTAS. Ended up crashing into a lamppost near the base...? 😄

    More seriously I couldn't hear the responses from the area ATC on R-863 channel 3. Volume was set to max on the radio and the channel selector, but the three transmissions received (after taking off, at the start of RTB, on reaching the base) nothing was heard, no subtitle displayed, "Player" responds "That's a roger, 245". Possibly a radio realism thing - some of the audio for the other transmissions was faint, perhaps because of terrain between me and the transmitter?

    Edit: the three transmissions from Miru-Mir are:

    After taking off:


    245, Miru-Mir. Roger, proceed as fragged.

    On starting RTB:


    Roger, 245. You are cleared RTB. Well done!

    On reaching home base:


    245, Roger, frequency change is approved. Have a nice evening.

    Dispatch / Miru-Mir is actually a Humvee parked not far from the base - perhaps it needs to be somewhere with line of site to the base and to the mission area? I don't know much about mission design or scripting so it's insightful to see how it's done here. Also - should've led with this - I really enjoyed mission 2! Always good to be rewarded for having the headlight controls bound to the HOTAS 😄

  2. Took me the better part of a year, and replacing my T.16000M with a VKB HOTAS, to get past the sling-loading exercise in the first mission! The various helipads are marked on the map but not labelled - when I landed at "the waterside hospital" helipad in Haifa and nothing happened, I thought they meant the harbour hospital near the heliport and set off in that direction... then remembered there was a orange circle waypoint marker on the Haifa harbour.

    Thanks to the Enigma's Cold War server I know the Ctrl-F11 map trick (open the F10 map, zoom in on a point of interest, press Left Ctrl+F11, and you get a camera view of that location). So I did that on the orange circle / north Haifa coastal heliport and indeed, it's a car park with some figures and a non-scenery vehicle placed there, so I knew at that point it's where I'm expected to land!

    • Like 1
  3. Possibly I made a mistake earlier and didn't remove the pins from both seats before taking off. 

    If so the sequence I followed was front pin, ctrl-e (from front seat), front eject, back pin, ctrl-e (from back seat>, back eject.

    And the correct sequence is front pin, back pin, ctrl-e (from anywhere), both eject?

    Which would make a lot more sense...

    • Like 1
  4. Just wondering if the F1BE had any command ejection system (if that's the right term) - where if one pilot ejects, the other ejects too?

    I feel bad for ejecting with an NPC backseater who goes down with the ship unless I press F1 and eject them separately!

    (Yes, I know the seat is vacant if you select Solo Flight in the ME but I don't always have that option e.g. multiplayer)

    • Like 1
  5. On a tangent... the English VO is missing a lot of lines ("sight blocked because you have cannons selected, idiot" for example).

    Is it possible for the user to provide the missing voice lines, and/or record a complete replacement VO set, or to fall back on Russian lines if an English line is missing? I'd rather Petrovich made some kind of noise rather than have to look at the text message.

  6. If the forum admin is AWOL... could repurpose the Me 262 forum for Mossie skins? 😄

    If the forum admin suddenly wakes up - there's a distressing inconsistency in the subforum names for WW2 German aircraft:

    Bf 109 K-4
    Fw 190 A8
    Fw 190 D-9

    I'm not an expert on this but shouldn't these be consistent, something like:

    Bf 109 K4
    Fw 190 A8
    Fw 190 D9
    Me 262

    or perhaps without the space after 109/190?

  7. Using Saved Games liveries in ModelViewer

    To avoid needing to save test iterations of liveries in Program Files and requiring admin permissions/confirmation every time you touch a file, you can modify the ModelViewer config.

    Find and back up C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\Config\ModelViewer\autoexec.lua

    Insert the following lines:

    function scan_for_textures(path)
        local lower_case = path:lower()
        if lower_case:find("liveries") then
        local is_texture_path = lower_case:find("texture") ~= nil
        local mounted_already = false
        for file in lfs.dir(path) do
            if not service_file(file) then
                local fn = path .. "/" .. file
                local attr = lfs.attributes(fn)
                if attr.mode == "directory" then
                elseif is_texture_path then
                    local ext = string.sub(file, -4)
                    if ".zip" == ext then
                        not mounted_already and (
                            ".dds" == ext
                            or ".bmp" == ext
                            or ".jpg" == ext
                            or ".png" == ext
                            or ".tga" == ext
                        mounted_already = true
    print("scan for textures and liveries")
    scan_for_textures("C:/Users/YOUR USER NAME/Saved Games/DCS.openbeta/Liveries")
    scan_for_textures("C:/Users/YOUR USER NAME/Saved Games/DCS.openbeta/Mods")
    scan_for_textures("C:/Users/YOUR USER NAME/Saved Games/DCS.openbeta/Coremods")
    -- original script continues:
    print("scan for environment cubes")...
    mount_vfs_models_path       ("CoreMods/aircraft/FA-18C/animations/models")
    mount_vfs_texture_path	    ("CoreMods/aircraft/FA-18C/animations/textures")
    -- insert after the other mount_vfs calls:
    mount_vfs_liveries_path     ("C:\\Users\\YOUR USER NAME\\Saved Games\\DCS.openbeta\\Liveries")
    mount_vfs_models_path       ("C:\\Users\\YOUR USER NAME\\Saved Games\\DCS.openbeta\\Mods")
    mount_vfs_textures_path     ("C:\\Users\\YOUR USER NAME\\Saved Games\\DCS.openbeta\\Mods")
    mount_vfs_animations_path   ("C:\\Users\\YOUR USER NAME\\Saved Games\\DCS.openbeta\\Mods")

    Make a copy of the modded autoexec.lua - it will be wiped when DCS updates.

    Thanks to @Roughmaster for putting this into the DCS Livery Art Group discord

    Using ModelViewer

    • Launch ModelViewer from <DCS installation folder>/bin-mt/ModelViewer2.exe
    • File > Load Model
    • Open the .lods file for the aircraft, which will either be in:
      • <DCS install>/Bazar/World/Shapes, or
      • <DCS install>/CoreMods/aircraft/<AircraftName>/Shapes
    • Open the liveries tool (Tools > Liveries Tool or Ctrl-L)
    • Your Saved Games liveries should be visible - double-click to load a livery
    • Tools > Reload Textures to apply any changes to the textures

    Original post:

    Hi folks,

    Can someone tell me how I can use ModelViewer to streamline my livery creation process?

    This is my current process:

    1. create new livery folder in Saved Games/DCS/Liveries with description.lua, various .dds files spat out from the template
    2. use Mission Editor to create a mission using the aircraft and the new livery
    3. launch the mission and see how the livery looks
    4. make tweaks in the template and export new .dds files
    5. restart DCS, load the mission, and view the livery again

    As I've cunningly installed DCS in the default Program Files location so I can't easily put .dds files into the core Liveries location.

    I'm sure there is a better way but I cannot find any written guides on using ModelViewer - can anyone help me (and future readers of this thread) out?

  8. I don't find the F1 to be particularly complex to operate... it looks more daunting than it is! But it's been a delight to get moderately competent in the CE, and I'm itching to see if I can spread some misery on ECW with the EE.

    The BE, I'm still a little mystified by, I'd be interested to know if anyone's used it for in-game training of another human player. In multiplayer, a second pair of eyes and hands to operate the radar is probably outweighed by the loss of the internal guns. Thoroughly enjoyed Don Rudi's training campaign though where you mostly fly the BE!

    But yes, this is probably my favourite module, and I'm not sure the F-4 will surpass it, as that really does seem like it needs two people to operate, so it'll live or die on the Jester implementation

  9. Fantastic campaign! Thanks very much 😄

    I marathoned through as far as the toss-bombing mission, which I skipped after five or six attempts... a technique like that, I need an airstart / infinite ammo scenario to practice with, and tbh I'm not likely to do it "in real life" (on ECW) so happy to let that particular skill slide...

    Something I did not expect was to be setting up HOTAS binds to adjust the TACAN projected waypoint position - but it's very handy to have an in-cockpit view of your distance and direction from a calculated point. I'll be using TACANs a lot more as a result of this campaign!

    Something which tripped me up on the first mission (only) - it wasn't obvious that you press Space to hide the popup of the mission briefing. Perhaps this could be included on the popup if they're ever revised? Not worth fixing by itself but just if they're changed for any other reason.

    Thanks again - this is excellent quality!

    PS - actually I'm also confused by how to make the targets fire back - the radio menu has "ROE Red" and "ROE Green" but which one lets them fire back? Is it Green=Go or Green=Safe?

    edit: ROE Red means they'll shoot back

    • Like 1
  10. Yup, the pilot uniform is part of the livery. The livery can be modified to use a different pilot uniform texture, or the pilot uniform texture can be modified to have a different flag or no flag. However I don't know if either can be done to the built-in liveries without breaking IC.

    I just switch to a different livery in the Mission Planner or in the Rearm menu. Arstotzkan, or my own London Transport bus livery!


  11. There's a fun way to use the DISS-15 as an area navigation tool. Set COURSE ANGLE to the magnetic heading of the vertical axis of the local MGRS grid. Set LATERAL DEVIATION to your east-position and DISTANCE to your north-position.

    So if your position is JJ2460, you'd set 024km Right and 060km Forward and turn on the DISS-15. As you fly around your east-west(ish) movement affects Lateral Deviation and north-south(ish) affects Distance. If it's now showing 033 Right and 084 Forward, you're in JJ38, JJ3384 to be precise. If it's 133 Right you've flown out the east side of JJ and are in the next 100km square, KJ. If it's 184 Forward you've gone north into JK. (you need to reference yourself to a 100km square you're not going to go south or west of for this to work.)

    I made a video last year demonstrating this but I'd like to redo it using slides and video-editing for clarity, rather than doing it in one take... is there a possibility the textures will be patched within, say, months? If so I'll wait for the update before doing this!

  12. if I were Benevolent Dictator of Eagle Dynamics, every covered button be required to have binds for:

    • button cover open temporarily
    • button cover open indefinitely
    • button cover close
    • button cover toggle
    • button press
    • button open cover and press

    (and 99% of players would only use the last one)

    Could be an advisory note that "lift cover and" binds should always use a modifier key e.g. Ctrl+J to lift cover and jettison.

    • Like 1
  13. Please could you add Fast Slew non-axis inputs for the Vivienne / periscope? e.g. Slew Up Fast, Slew Left Fast.

    Also thanks very much for all the work! I loved the Gazelle before the FM update and I love it even more with the new FM and the new L loadout options!

  14. In a glider, the trim is often a lever or a sliding handle, and the stick forces are light. So you can hold the stick lightly and, at any moment, instinctively apply trim to make the remaining stick forces go away instantly - subjectively I think it's easier than holding down a hat switch or turning a trim wheel. So you can retrim when you exit the turn with no effort anyway.

    Unless you're flying the SzD-51Junior where the trim is only adjustable between sprung detents, theoretically giving a 5- or 10-knot graduation in airspeed between each, but inevitably always being slightly too nose-down or slightly too nose-up... or so I'm told. I've never had the privilege of flying one of those 😄

  15. oh yeah, that's an example of the realism in DCS World over the last 10, 20 years: plan a flight from the western edge of Tblisi (41° 40' N, 44° 40' E) to Mozdok (43° 45' N, 44° 40 E). note the true bearing between the two. then note the difference in longitude

    if you care about realism at all, you should stop playing DCS until it simulates the WGS84 spheroid 😉

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