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  1. @King39 that was a really classy thing you did. People notified you of an issue, we talked about potential problems, chased a few dead ends and you looked into it. Really professional. I appreciate your hard work and the whole reason we're talking is because i'm really enjoying your work and i'm excited to play your campaign. I hope people see this and hold you up. -Dan
  2. Hey - my post was not a solution. It’s still broken. I was just providing more info. I’d like the campaign creator to fix it so you don’t have to uninstall the whole game to play the campaign. The uh-60 mod is one of the most popular mods. I’ve uninstalled it but that’s not enough.
  3. I am having the same trouble. Playing on OB. *Edit* i removed all my mods and tried again - same thing. The mission tells you at the start that your flight is delayed, and then it lets you f2 your plane while the narration starts but you can't get in the plane (f1). just sits there forever... trying the a-10c II
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