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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS, MFS
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    Flight Sims, Space Sims
  1. Ordered them too. And yes, the pricing circus at launch was ridiculous. At one point at checkout the price for my order of Orion 2 Anniversary + F15EX Throttle was at 284943 US$. I had a look on my face back then
  2. Well, I wouldn't call it quick actually. But yeah, ordered it the launch, or rather, like ReapDaddy said, about an hour after, because the website crashed the moment restock was available.
  3. Just got confirmation via e-mail that my order has been shipped. Took 'em one week and a half to process it. Will take another week+ to be delivered.
  4. Jep, Pre-order option is back. At least that.
  5. It was a bloodbath yesterday night at Winwing Store *sigh* that's for sure. To that point: The warning was there, BUT just on the website and only for the items that will be re-stocked. I myself came across it by accident by visiting the store the day before. As warning there was a countdown for said items. But I don't know how long before the countdown was set. I recall sometime around one week or two before I didn't see any countdowns. May be it was even just days before, so I wouldn't wonder if the countdown was actually set just 24 hours before re-stock. Nonetheless, everything said above seems to be correct. I didn't see any pre-order possibility for as long as I discovered Winwing... about 1-2, may be 3 months ago. (I'm pretty new to DCS Hardware/HOTAS etc.) As for yesterday night: as countdown was gone the website/store was down! (I'm sure you're shocked) I couldn't open the store for about half an hour or so, and even the direct page of Orion 2 F-15EX I opened before was not functional after countdown. So I tried couple of times and got lucky eventually. But the first couple of tries at checkout were also bugged as hell and I lost another 15-20 minutes to actually get an order for the Throttle. All in all it was a nightmare experience at their webstore. And as of today as I checked, the parts are already out of stock. This all seem to be somehow unprofessional.
  6. Exactly. It is no more. Don't know why.
  7. Serial #: 157255 (Throttle), 008962 (Stick F/A-18), 000854 (Stick F-16), 000771 (Base) Location: Brandenburg, Germany
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