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Everything posted by samplethief

  1. Hey dude. I think i figured out why it runs like crap on my NVME. The NVME I bought has no DRAM cache (Crucial P3 plus) I found a post on reddit where somebody who had the same problems, moved to a samsung 970 Evo plus and it worked.
  2. My nvme is set to pcie4. What about yours?
  3. Just tried it. I get stutters. Ah well. Back to the SSD!
  4. Need to crank up your base resolution in both the oculus link app and openxr and dcs. Use Snutens settings from earlier in the thread.
  5. The official link cable does not. You will run out of battery after an hour or two i believe. This one does so long as you follow the correct order stated in the instructions when plugging it in. I use it and my headset maintains power. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B09TN25765?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1
  6. Great news. Maybe they patched it in 2.9? I might give it a try sometime soon. Although I dont really notice too much of a difference in load times, and if it aint broke... haha
  7. Thanks. I left my PD on 1.0 here as I doubt the 4070ti could handle it very well much higher. It runs at a stable 72fps and looks better than it ever has for me with all of your other settings set!
  8. Wow just tried these settings on my 4070ti and they work great. Thanks for sharing! Dont suppose you would mind sharing your VR tab in the DCS settings too?
  9. I just tried virtual desktop beta with openxr on my 5ghz dedicated and it looks nowhere near as good as the link cable using the settings I posted earlier.
  10. Don't think Virtual Desktop publicly supports OpenXR yet. The dev who was working on it pulled it from his git repo and made it private for closed beta testing. Unless you have an executable you can share Edit: Seems like he made it public again. Awesome.
  11. It's obviously not as good but the openxr FR works quite well for me now. Wondering if there are any gains to be had using quad
  12. I keep hearing about quad-views foviated rendering being awesome. Is it worth using installing for use on a quest 3 given it does not have eye tracking over the built in open XR foviates rendering? Will it improve performance/image quality?
  13. Hahaaaaaaa awesome. So glad it worked for you. No it seems this isn't that widely known. As I say, I mentioned it before on Reddit and then had some nerds reel off all these stats about nvme Vs SSD and why I AM WRONG. Of course I know that an nvme SHOULD be better but this is DCS after all... I am too really enjoying DCS VR with the quest 3. I have a 4070ti and have managed to tune it to a nice balance of performance and visuals using quest link. I can only imagine how awesome it looks on a 4090.
  14. Curious if you get audio stuttering through the headset when running at 940 bitrate? Seems ever since I enabled that setting in the oculus debug tool, my oculus audio constantly stutters and crackles. (Using the link cable) I have been using my normal headphones instead.
  15. I do have the drivers installed. But thankyou
  16. Yep give it a try and ill be interested to know if it worked for you too. I believe I just moved the install directory in steam. So try that. (or manually copy them i guess) I dont think this fix is very widely known. I searched high and wide for it and stumbled across one thread somewhere. When i mentioned it to somebody else, they just laughed and said I was crazy haha
  17. Snuten, do you have the game installed on an NVME? Might sound crazy but try installing it to a sata ssd instead. Fixed microstutters for me. Nothing else worked. Even when I upgraded to a 7800X3D.
  18. Anybody have a link to the best guide demonstrating how to setup foveated rendering on a quest using openxr? Thankyou
  19. LMAO right on schedule https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2--gh-oPcRU
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