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About Egyptman

  • Birthday 05/04/1997

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  • Flight Simulators
    MSFS and DCS
  • Location
    United Kingdom

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  1. Hi, I recently made a post about how buggy the radios in mission 2 were and with the recent update that has indeed been fixed so thanks for that. There are 2 other bugs however that prevent the mission from progressing. -Once you get to waypoint 1, the dialogue to then go to waypoint 2 and climb to angels 20 doesnt trigger and if it does, it trigger after passing waypoint 2, half way to wp 3. -Once at the tanker, the wingman does not refuel once your done, he instead flies off into the distance and the mission progress cannot progress.
  2. no worries, thanks for your reply and hope you figure it out. And to confirm, this was in MT
  3. @baltic_dragon Tried again today and still happening. Attached a screenshot of my settings and a video of it occurring where you cannot hear two on comm1 as described. Digital Combat Simulator 2024-05-13 16-19-59.mp4
  4. Hi, I don't have easy comms on and I checked what I was doing was correct with other playthroughs. It just seems the dialogue on comm1 for that missions doesnt work for me. I will triple check again later and update this thread if its the same issue
  5. Hi, The Raven One Campaign seems to be bugged on mission 2. When you start the mission you are asked to do a radio check, I can hear two on comm2 but not on comm1 and later in the missions Texaco also is not audible on comm1 even though it works. The missions as a whole seems to be bugged but I could be doing something wrong since I'm missing this dialogue.
  6. yeah thats what iv been doing but what is the official way to do it? is this even intentional or a bug?
  7. Since that latest update on beta, there is a mention in the patch notes of a Fixed Bingo fuel behaviour. This seems to have caused the bingo fuel audible warning to go off now every few seconds. How do you turn this off?
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