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Posts posted by wurger13

  1. Hello,

    Ive just tried mission 4 myself with the new Normandy 2 map and there is a P51 that is running blocking the entrance to the runway. If I don't taxi right away yellow flight takes off from the other side of the field and then blue flight taxis past and runs into the running P51 at the runway entrance. No matter how I time it, the AI run into this parked guy and sometimes don't even try to take off.   Also it seems there are aircraft parked in random fields etc.

    Not sure what I'm doing wrong but nonetheless, I love your campaigns.

    • Like 1
  2. On 3/7/2023 at 5:26 AM, Berniyh said:

    Why is that weird? Those rockets contain a significant amount of energy, otherwise they wouldn't fly.

    Remember that there isn't much going on in terms of aerodynamic lift. 😉

    Not to mention that the sheet metal is paper thin... you can poke a hole in it with a dull pencil! 

    • Like 1
  3. Possible workaround.

    I have been seeing very long loading times in Multi Thread for missions and the mission editor when changing maps.  I have noticed the following when changing maps in the mission editor and loading a mission that is different from the previous map.

    1. If I click on the mission to open it, I get the loading screen but the progress bar at the bottom never changes. I just sits there like nothing is happening. The loading screen stays in this state if I don't do anything. 
    2. If I then just L click anywhere on the screen (after about 10 sec), my mouse pointer changes to the spinney blue circle... Then, If I click one more time I get the windows dialog "The program is not responding etc". The progress bar then begins to fill about 10%.  Then I click "wait for the program to respond" and the progress bar fills at the normal rate and the mission opens.

    It is weird as hell... But is completely repeatable.

    I should add, this is after a fresh repair and clean with no-mods installed apart from TacView.

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    • Thanks 1
  4. This will be a first day buy for me as well along with the A-6E. Really looking forward to the A-7. I remember watching Colorado NG A-7s doing bombing runs down at Ft Carson when I was in the Army in the 80's. Also got buzzed by a pair that were about 100ft AGL in South Park Colorado... so damm cool!

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  5. The only way I can get semi decent clarity on my Rift is by setting aniso to 16x, no antialiasing and using pixel density 2.0. There is a slight shimmer at far distance but it doesn't bother me too much.



    btw, I just noticed your sig... 486dx. :D



    I made the change to a Rift S (from Rift) and it made the ball a little clearer to see at 3/4, it is usable for the most part. I would like to see them add a small ref window (like the one we have for control positions) for the ball and datum lights. That would be really helpful I think, esp for VR.

  6. Thank you othersider and launchedsquid...



    After many tries of cuting, pasting and failing I figured out the issue ...



    I was using notepad :doh:. I didn't think the text editor would matter but clearly notepad is doing something to the file. Once I used notepad++, everything was good! :megalol:



    Thanks again!

  7. This is the path

    DCS World OpenBeta\CoreMods\aircraft\FA-18C\FA-18C.lua


    open it in notepad++ or something.


    copy line 164 it will say

    { CLSID = "{A111396E-D3E8-4b9c-8AC9-2432489304D5}" }, --Litening


    paste it under line 137, make sure the parenthesis is under the line, it will look like this

    { CLSID = "{A111396E-D3E8-4b9c-8AC9-2432489304D5}" }, --Litening



    save the file.


    I recommend you save a copy of the original first, incase you want to roll back to original, this will invalidate your integrity check so if you fly in servers that run that you may not be able to join with the file modded.


    next time you update the file will return to its original state.


    have fun.



    Hi All, I've tried this mod to the lua file exactly as above twice and each time I go back into DCS, I can't select the F18 block 20 (player aircraft). It's not even in the menu! Any thoughts? did something change perhaps?



    Thanks in advance.

  8. Had a chance to play with Pimax 5k+ in DCS and other sims for a few hours and compare it to my Rift CV1.



    - resolution and image clarity is definitely better. It's not mind blowing as some people claim, still nowhere near real life, but I'd call it "usable" versus "barely usable" in Rift CV1.

    - FOV is better, even on lowest setting. That is a big thing for dogfights, as you can quite naturally check your six without much effort.

    - no apparent godrays.

    - comfort is surprisingly good, even better than the rift. More space inside for glasses. Large sweet spot.



    - smoothness is bad. Forget 90 fps even with 2080 Ti, 45 fps is achievable with some compromises. However, even at 45 fps it's just not as smooth as the Rift. I play on CV1 with ASW enabled, and apart from occasional visual artefacts that are inevitable with ASW, I have very smooth image with no smearing or double vision. On Pimax, despite turning on their smoothing algorithms and seeing the usual visual artifacts, the image still often becomes blurry or "ghosting" when moving.

    - World scale is a bit off, need to play with IPD setting in DCS to correct it. However, I think I saw the same problem with Vive when I tested it, so it may be something with DCS and SteamVR. Can be fixed with IPD setting in game.

    - Software is not as polished, some options give better results in DCS while break other games, so often you need to change, restart everything and try again. It's not that bad, but not plug&play either.


    Overall if it was a 200$ upgrade over oculus, I would probably buy it, but at the current price and waiting line, not a chance. For me the biggest issue is the smoothness, even with both headsets at 45 fps oculus with ASW feels much better. The hardware may be 2nd generation, but the software is still 1st gen beta. So I'm going to wait and see what big players will show this year.


    Thanks for your input and review Some1, on the fence here on upgrading and I think I will pass and stick with the CV1 for now. I do plan on upgrading to a 9900 and 32mb of ram so basically and new core system and will probably stick with my 1070Ti for now until the next gen GPU's arrive.

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