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Posts posted by riboyster

  1. Thanks for the awesome content! The frames are rock solid at 2 FPS with almost NO stuttering! Using an 8gb video card 32GB of RAM, 48GB SSD Pagefile, DCS is on an SSD and I have a 6 core i7. Any thoughts?



    Anyone got any idea about what's going on? Or why DCS peaks at 60gb ram/page file online in the Apache?





  2. REM Core or Main DCS ou DCS.beta path, always end the line with \

    set "pathDCS=D:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta"


    REM DCS or DCS.beta saved game path, always end the line with \

    set "pathSavedGames=Saved Games\DCS.openbeta"


    REM DCE ScriptMod version not any / or \ and no space before and after =

    set "versionPackageICM=20.38.01"



    REM do not modify this file

    REM The paths are to be modified only in the file Init/path.bat


    call Init/path.bat


    start "Generate First Mission" cmd /k ""%pathDCS%bin\luae.exe" ..\..\..\ScriptsMod.%versionPackageICM%\BAT_FirstMission.lua"


    **Note, the last '\' symbol does not appear in the quote box, but is there in the files.


    Looks like it should work. Still doesn't. Checked my directories, and everything is correct. The script just draws a blank. If I try to generate a mission after the stock first mission, the script says it's unable to open the files in the scripts mod directory.

  3. Hello,


    I am having some trouble with Eagle_01’s P-47 Normandy DCE. Im completely new to all of this, and im a bit lost.


    I installed the campaign as instructed, then changed the paths in the path.bat and camp_init.lua

    to match my configuration for Openbeta, and edited the mission scripting file in UTF-8. When I try to launch Firstmission.bat, I get this message:


    D:\DCS World OpenBeta\bin\luae.exe: cannot open ..\..\..\ScriptsMod.ScriptsMod.20.38.01\BAT_FirstMission.lua: No such file or directory


    C:\Users\ejton\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Mods\tech\DCE\Missions\Campaigns\WWII Normandy P-47D>


    Im sure I messed up when I edited the paths to accommodate openbeta, but im not sure where or how?


    I second this. I've double, triple, and quadruple checked my file paths.

  4. I'd say its pretty good as it is. If defending from a long range shot, you just need to notch the tomcat that is guiding it. He'll lose the TWS track and the missile will go ballistic. If it does turn on its radar, you should already be notched and pumping chaff. There's a pretty good chance it goes for the chaff instead.


    I think the implementation is fine, but that's just my opinion.


    TL;DR: Get gud.


    The r77 on the other hand is pure magic, and very horribly implemented.

  5. Here is a quick fix I made several months ago for the Tomcat. Simply extract and copy the CoreMods and Sounds folders to your main DCS folder. They have been tested online, and do not invoke integrity check failure.

    It should be noted that the mod will have to be reinstalled after every update. If you are unhappy with the mod, simply repair your DCS installation. This mod improves the pitch whine of the intake side, and attempts to reduce the effects of the roar while on the tarmac.

    I also attempted to improve the wind sounds when on the deck/ground.







  6. I incorrectly entered my target coords, and erased my JSOWs manually.

    Now I am unable to enter coordinates or altitudes of any time.

    On the stores screen, each store with JSOW has the word ERASE below it. If I erase them again, the stores go back to standby mode during the erase, then return to ERASE mode when done. Is this proper functionality? I can't seem to find anything online. Thanks.

  7. how is strict realism an argument when, by ED's own admission, certain features are intentionally omitted or distorted anyways? if aircraft #5235-z block 47X tape 5.2 predates an armament's introduction but would otherwise be compatible with a minor avionics update, i don't think it would be crazy to make that stretch for the benefit of your players


    I think at this point you can trust ED to get shit done accurately. Keep in mind the government is watching. ED is not going to release classified information and get shut down and jailed. Common sense, man.

  8. Well, I just had a dogfight with a Su-25 (AI) on GAW server, I had 3 PH, 2 Sparrows and 2 AIM-9, half fuel and no tanks. At 5k feet, with full AB I swear there was no way for me to keep up with the Su-25, he was running circles both horizontally and vertically around me. The Cat was as sluggish as a fulyl loaded A-10 and on a straight line the Su-25 was able to catch up with me as I was trying to gain some distance in full AB....

    Provided DCS AI is as dumb and broken as a pile of rotten meat with worms inside, I am pretty sure the F-14 is a total hog in that configuration. Either that, or the FM has to be tuned.


    The frog will out turn the cat. Fight vertically, that is your strength.

  9. On the subject, Jester doesn't turn on AWG-9 cooling properly - if you jump into a hot aircraft in MP, the switch is in the correct position but there is almost always NAV COMP and AWG-9 COND warnings, and you have to cycle the switch.


    Not sure it affects destroying things if you're in the front. I think there were at least a few times when I'd forgotten to go back and toggle it, and still shot things down with the phoenix.

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