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  1. Tholozor's post in simbol was marked as the answer   
    I believe that's the "Air and Space Outstanding Unit Award," (previously the "Air Force Outstanding Unit Award") which the 148th Fighter Wing has earned quite a number of times.

  2. Tholozor's post in ECM XMIT Position 1 and 2 - In Game Effects was marked as the answer   
    From the Early Access Guide, page 541.

  3. Tholozor's post in Aileron UP was marked as the answer   
    Pitch trim with flaps set to AUTO doesn't trim the stabs the way you would expect with flaps set to HALF or FULL.
    With flaps in AUTO, pitch trim changes the FCS' G-command.
    With flaps in HALF or FULL, pitch trim changes the FCS' AoA-command (use this to manually adjust the stab positions on the ground).
    Depressing and holding the T/O Trim button commands the stabs to 12° nose-up (providing a TRIM advisory).
    The FCS Reset button doesn't change anything regarding the position of any of the control surfaces, it only clears transient errors on the FCS page.
  4. Tholozor's post in Hornet Sensor Depress, doies it REALLY do anything? was marked as the answer   
    Depressing the SCS, then bumping it towards the ATTK format within a second (or 0.8s, can't remember which) will command manual IFF interrogation.
    Alternatively you can enable automatic interrogation from the AZ/EL page with the AUTO INT option in the lower left corner.
  5. Tholozor's post in HARM/Steerpoint issues was marked as the answer   
    @Pribs86 From what I can see in the first post, you have a slew delta in your steerpoint system (evidenced by the 'CZ' option for Cursor Zero on the HSD). Press the CZ option to zero the slew delta.
  6. Tholozor's post in Starting from cold & dark. was marked as the answer   
    I don't know if the P3D procedures would be any different (also considering it's a Super Hornet v. Legacy Hornet), but you can always check the manual and see if the procedures differ.
  7. Tholozor's post in IR Missiles Much Harder to Flare if not Impossible From Latest Patch was marked as the answer   
    There's a reported topic regarding flare effectiveness/flare rejection of air-to-air IR-guided missiles: 
  8. Tholozor's post in JDAMS & TOO1 / TOO2 & multiple targets was marked as the answer   
    TOO1 and TOO2 are individual to each weapon station (i.e. TOO1 on STA2 is different from TOO1 on STA8). This permits you to have up to 8 total individual TOO targets across all 4 stations, as the Hornet's maximum JDAM load is 8 total (2 for each station if loaded on BRU-55). Stepping to another station will invoke that station's last selected TOO mission.
    As an example, let's say you have 4 JDAMs loaded on BRU-55 racks on Stations 3 and 7, and you have 4 targets you want to engage. You might designate them like this:
    - TOO1 on Station 7 on target 1
    - TOO2 on Station 7 on target 2
    - TOO1 on Station 3 on target 3
    - TOO2 on Station 3 on target 4
    Or you could do it like this:
    - TOO1 on Station 3 on target 1
    - TOO1 on Station 7 on target 2
    - TOO2 on Station 3 on target 3
    - TOO2 on Station 7 on target 4
    Since the system doesn't "assign" TOO missions to individual weapons mounted on the rack, you would have to manually switch between TOO1 and TOO2 for each station between drops, otherwise *both* weapons on the rack would release on the same TOO mission.
    Personally, I prefer to use the second method of assigning targets between TOO1 and TOO2 on each station, as the active station will automatically step to the next one when a weapon is released. This way I can release all the weapons on their TOO1 missions first, then switch them to TOO2 as it steps back through the release order.
  9. Tholozor's post in TGP is black was marked as the answer   
    Is the pod still in standby mode (STBY)? Top-left OSB to change the pod's mode (STBY, A-A, A-G).
  10. Tholozor's post in notices was marked as the answer   
    CHECK TRIM will appear if the stabilator trim is not set correctly for takeoff, not sure why it's still present while airborne.
    BALT on the advisory line (ADV) just provides a constant reminder to the pilot that barometric altitude hold is engaged.
  11. Tholozor's post in Flare and Chaff no working since last 2.9.9 update was marked as the answer   
    FD CLPR REL sounds like it would be the Flight Director Coupler Release, looks for the inputs labeled 'cmds' and try those.
  12. Tholozor's post in Cant enter waypoint offset range of more than 66 NM was marked as the answer   
    Offsets are range-limited to the following (correct to the real aircraft):
    - 400,000 feet
    - 122,000 meters
    - 66 nautical miles
    - 133,000 yards
  13. Tholozor's post in Fuel Pressure was marked as the answer   
    Already reported: 
  14. Tholozor's post in EGI1 & 2 was marked as the answer   
    Embedded GPS-INS units 1 and 2.
  15. Tholozor's post in Any sort of control assistance? was marked as the answer   
    Ensure you have the System Select Knob turned on on the AFCS panel between the CDUs. Eventually we'll also get additional stability and control features that you can read more about here: 
  16. Tholozor's post in Util Pres light? was marked as the answer   
    Already reported: 
  17. Tholozor's post in How do I find out my STN - station number, in the 18? was marked as the answer   
    TGT DATA page, bottom right go to GROUP.
  18. Tholozor's post in "LHAQ" not in the manual was marked as the answer   
    Page 257 of the Early Access Guide

  19. Tholozor's post in Fa18c pilot model was marked as the answer   
    New pilot model was introduced a few patches ago.
  20. Tholozor's post in Joint Programable Fuse ?? was marked as the answer   
    JPF page will be under the MSN page for the selected weapon in the bottom-left corner.
  21. Tholozor's post in Defaults fuzes require action in cockpit to work ? was marked as the answer   
    I apologize, my original description regarding the Mk-122 safety switch slightly off.
    When used in conjunction with the the FMU-139, the Mk-122 switch typically has two connections; an arming wire and a coaxial power cable. The arming wire is typically a few inches shorter than the coaxial cable, so it's pulled first, which closes a DC circuit inside the safety switch and permitting the capacitors inside to be charged to power the fuze (basically the weapon will not be charged until release is commanded). If EFUZ is set to OFF, no power will be applied and the weapon will dud.
    When used in conjunction with the FMU-152, the arming wire for the Mk-122 is not required (but, can still be used as a redundant safety), as the fuze is completely digital (with faceplate backup settings). When weapon release is commanded, the stores system sends a coded arming pulse that charges the capacitors, arms the fuze, and sets the arm/function delay.
    The stores system in the Hornet has specific codes used for each station set by the ordnance crews that tell the aircraft what weapon it has loaded and how the weapon was assembled so it knows what to do with it (this is done via the Weapons Insertion Panel on the armament computer inside door 14R).
    For a Mk-82, it depends on how the bomb was assembled. Assuming it's been assembled with an M904E4 fuze in the nose, and an M905 fuze in the tail, then:
    Setting MFUZ to NOSE, and EFUZ to OFF should result in detonation based on the M904E4 setting. Setting MFUZ to OFF, and EFUZ to INST should result in detonation based on the M905 setting.
  22. Tholozor's post in F16 Static Pilot Model was marked as the answer   
    This is normal. The pilot model moves based in relation to your in-cockpit viewpoint position. When in an external view, your in-cockpit view commands are frozen. If someone else were to be observing you (or you observing them) while moving about inside the cockpit, it would appear normal.
  23. Tholozor's post in green scratches in the Apache cockpit - are these missing textures? was marked as the answer   
    Probably paint primer. Since a good chunk of aircraft parts are made of aluminum, the best primer for it is zinc chromate, which is greenish-yellow in color.
  24. Tholozor's post in New bomb fuze options database ? was marked as the answer   
    A discussion for this is already present over here: 
  25. Tholozor's post in [No Bug] F-4E Thunderbird 4 Livery ... was marked as the answer   
    This is correct. The #4 aircraft usually flies in the tail position in the diamond formation, leading to the tail becoming extremely dirty due to the exhaust from #1. To resolve this, they painted the tail black so it wouldn't look as dirty all the time due to the constant need to keep it cleaned.
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