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  1. Tholozor's post in clarification page 255 Ownship was marked as the answer   
    If the AG radar picture is in FRZ mode, the image will hold, but the ownship icon will progress to give the pilot a reference as to where the aircraft is in relation to the frozen image.
  2. Tholozor's post in Trim question was marked as the answer   
    Nose up/down trim is non-functional behaves differently during normal flight (FCS seeks to maintain 1.0G, based on commanded target G), and becomes operational behaves in a target-AoA mode in landing configuration (gear down, flaps either HALF or FULL) to set the desired AoA.
  3. Tholozor's post in Question on GBU-12 drop symbology was marked as the answer   
    That's the loft cue that tells you when to execute a pull-up to the specified REL ANG (release angle).
    The circle will appear right before the cue reaches the FPM, and will flash to indicate the pull-up. Regular release cues will be present after the loft cues are gone.
    IIRC, if REL ANG is set to 0, loft cues are disabled.
  4. Tholozor's post in Is it possible to designate straight from the JHMCS? was marked as the answer   
    Assigning the TDC to the HUD also assigns it to the HMD. With the TDC assigned to the HUD, the HMD should automatically have the dashed reticle (unless a TGT is already designated). You can't get the dashed reticle in the HMD while a TGT designation exists.
  5. Tholozor's post in ground crew unable to remove wheel chocks occassionally ( Open Beta) was marked as the answer   
    Can't watch the track at work, but did you ensure the launch bar was retracted?
  6. Tholozor's post in Can't enter precise grid coordinates for a waypoint. Don't know what I'm doing wrong. was marked as the answer   
    Make sure you're inputting 10-digit coordinates for precise grid.
  7. Tholozor's post in AMPCD - Night/Day Rocker switch was marked as the answer   
    If the MAP option is enabled, and the HSI/SA page set to a range which the color map should display, automatic brightness control is always enabled.
  8. Tholozor's post in CHK SEAT when airborne and turning the seat to SAFE was marked as the answer   
    The CHK SEAT caution will only trigger with the seat not armed when the right throttle is at MIL or above, and weight-on-wheels.
  9. Tholozor's post in Valid trackfiles cannot be designated immediately was marked as the answer   
    There's multiple ways to designate or lock targets on the radar. To designate L&S, you can either TDC Depress over a valid trackfile, or use the NWS/Undesignate switch on the stick to cycle the L&S through all valid trackfiles. To command STT, you can TDC Depress over the L&S, SCS Right to command STT via AACQ, or SCS Right with a valid trackfile under the cursor.
    TDC Depress behavior was also corrected a little while back so that a short press will set RWS scan center.
    There's also a reported issue regarding trackfiles not being able to be designated once they become valid: 
  10. Tholozor's post in AGM-65 boresight off was marked as the answer   
    Make sure you have GND JETT enabled and Master Arm enabled or set to SIM.
  11. Tholozor's post in Can't locate Walleye, what am I doing wrong? was marked as the answer   
    Look under Bombs for stations 2 and 8 (only available on the outboards). Giving the Walleye the AGM designation was a bit of a real-world misnomer.
  12. Tholozor's post in Process for markpointing was marked as the answer   
    Once you've created a markpoint, with the MARK page still open, you can press M-SEL 0 to make that markpoint your current steerpoint and CZ the slew deltas.
  13. Tholozor's post in Might have been covered but google sucks. was marked as the answer   
    Move the cursor to the edge of the display then bump it. It's a little finnicky on if there's any vertical movement, so you may need a deadzone to ensure it's purely horizontal motion.
  14. Tholozor's post in Jet goes vertical right after take off - can't fly level - and trim doesn't help was marked as the answer   
    Also ensure you set flaps to HALF for takeoff. If you lift off with flaps in AUTO is messes with the FCS logic and you'll have to switch flaps out of AUTO and back to reset it.
  15. Tholozor's post in TGP: unable to switch between IR and CCD modes while Maverick selected was marked as the answer   
    Not a bug:
  16. Tholozor's post in cannot get Apache to lase from front seat was marked as the answer   
    Go to WPN -> UTIL and verify the LASER is armed (solid circle).
  17. Tholozor's post in ASPJ: REC vs XMIT was marked as the answer   
    This is no longer the case. The jammer operates in radar priority mode.
  18. Tholozor's post in Cone Symbol - JHMCS/HUD w/HTS was marked as the answer   
    Looks like an Offset Aimpoint. Did you perhaps cycle STP or TGT to OA1 or OA2?
  19. Tholozor's post in Using George from CPG seat makes wrong replies for speed or altitude decreases was marked as the answer   
    Post a track then, because it all seems fine on my end. George will make a call based on the current speed vs. the target speed, not the target speed vs. the previous target speed.
  20. Tholozor's post in Radar expand? was marked as the answer   
    Yes, but it's different. The EXP option is only present under certain conditions:
    - Only available in STT, TWS, or SCAN RAID.
    - Trackfile must be designated L&S.
    - L&S must be greater than 5 miles, or an angle-only track.
    - L&S must be in the tactical region of the radar display.
  21. Tholozor's post in Trying to figure out if this unorthodox procedure to target low-level helicopters is possible (slaving radar to TGP) was marked as the answer   
    Not really possible, as MSI processing stops in A/G mode, there wouldn't be a trackfile for the radar to slave to.
  22. Tholozor's post in Velocity switch is not working was marked as the answer   
    HUD velocity tape will always be CAS when the gear is deployed.
  23. Tholozor's post in Sun reflection? was marked as the answer   
    It's known as a Glory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glory_(optical_phenomenon)
  24. Tholozor's post in No tone was marked as the answer   
    Not implemented.
  25. Tholozor's post in Autopilot- Steering Select was marked as the answer   
    Ensure to use ENT for both LAT and LON.
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