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Posts posted by VAOZoky

  1. Looking at Kutaisi on google earth it seams that runway has been repaired. You can see few Su-25 on parking too. Senaki has been completley destroyed. Kobuleti has been abandoned and is now ruin. Batumi is civilian. I don't know the name of one near Tbilisi (military one) but it seems hit in war too. On the other side Novorusisjk is no longer in existence. Others are mix of civ and mil. On google earth you can see bunch of Su-27, MiG-29, Su-25 ect on them :)

  2. I didn't hear it from some MiG tech guy with no name. ED did, and I trust ED's devs.


    But if you want to take it a step further, the stuff you're suggesting isn't even hinted at in the aircraft's operating manuals.


    Can you post that manual (if it is in digital form) please :)

    About stuff: It's not that i don't trust you or ED, its that i wanted this thread to stay clean of "I head it somewhere" or "some guy told me". Like i said numerous times i posted what i found, and if you have more accurate info please post. I'm not saying that my stuff is right, it's just that i didn't find anything other that that.

  3. You won't happen to have any evidence to support this (other than hear-say from some pilot)?


    I don't know any Su-27 or MiG-29 pilot. I have found all this here




    This book is in line with every other piece of info that i found on internet. If you do have some other source of info please post it. I'm hungry for knowledge :smartass:

  4. AFAIK, the missile receives updates from the launching aircraft's radar during the initial phase and for that you need a radar lock.


    Like i said in first post IRL pilot can acquire target with EOS and lunch SARH missile. EOS will provide initial target info and after that missile enters INS guidance. When missile comes near the target radar on launcher's plane is switched on and goes into STT mode so that missile can be guided accurately to target. Missile can receive datalink update mid-course but datalink refresh speed is ~60s

  5. I never said that r27 is active. It needs the target being painted by the launcher's radar in terminal faze only! Until then its guided via datalink. That's why EOS or TWS tracking can be used to provide target info via datalink to r27r/er in mid-course. After that radar goes in SST lock mode and missile is guided accurately to target. And most importantly target will get no missile warning until SST lock is acquired which occurs in terminal faze only.

  6. Su-27S uses OLS27 and in its search mode limits are +-60 horizontal and -+37 vertical in wide mode and +-10 hor +-2.5 ver in narrow mode with angular accuracy of 0.08deg and max tracking of 25deg/sec. Speed of wide mode is 17 scans/sec and 30scans/sec in narrow mode. It has laser rangefinder effective up to 10km. It provides data for Slem mode +-60hor +60-14ver and in dogfights it is used for gun locks because its more accurate then radar. Its max lock range is ~30km depending on target aspect.


    MiG29S uses KOLS and in wide search mode limits are +-30 hor +-15 ver and in narrow +-15 hor and +-15ver. Search speed is same as OLS27 as is laser rangefinder and slem mode. Max lock range is ~20km. Accuracy is 0.15deg with max tracking of 35deg/sec. It's smaller and its weight is half of OLS27. It's optimized for dogfights.


    About r27 missile, its seeker is turned on only after its been guided via datalink and near the target. So if the target is tracked with EOS pilot can fire r27r/er and turn radar on when missile has reach terminal faze of flight.

    In radar TWS mode pilot can track 10 targets but engage only one in Su27S (two targets in MiG29S) with the same principle. Both Su27S and MiG29S have TTI timers.

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  7. Actually it was started by Russia.


    Like i said YU never said anything about B2. BUT there was something hit, and recording was made of (UFO :) ) pilot asking for permission to eject, and response form what appear to be AWACS which said "do not eject at any cost". Later in 2002 NATO delivered questionnaire to YU PVO command. Topic was on what conditions and time of day did YU PVO spot F117 and B2?!? What procedures were used before spotting? What equipment was used etc... That was the trigger for stories of downed B2. On other side the morning after the incident some German media together with HRT (Croatian state TV) reported of "something" crashing in Spacva forest. For months access to Spacva forest was denied by military :huh:

    After you put all this things together you start to wonder what did happen, and if something went down what was it.

  8. Not a surprise at all, was just curious. Alot of people believe a 2nd F-117 was damaged, and was able to return to base. Some also believe a B-2 was damaged heavily and crashed landed somehow (not sure) and was repaired without anyone noticing.


    Well story of second F-117 being damaged first came from US military not Yugoslavs. Same thing with allegedly downed B2. Only thing that Yugoslavs said was that they hit "something" and that same "something" disappeared for radar over Spacva forest in Croatia. They never officially said anything about B2 (again this idea came from US). To me US reaction was like calling police over phone and saying "I didn't kill Bob, bye" :lol: It's going to raise some question. What i believe is that we will never know the real truth.


    PS. While we at subject, does anyone want to buy piece of F-117A? Starting price is only 100000$

  9. Did you try to repair and to take off again???


    I try to repair in multi-player, when i landed turn off both engine (one was shoot down anyway because of fire) call ground crew for ground electric then i call repair and wait for 3 min. After 3 minutes warning lights are off but my master caution alarm never go off. Then i try to start again but my engine (who get repaired) are broken again and can not be repair. I also try to simulate in the single-player and same stuffs happened in the single-player.


    Bug: Repair are not working. It will repair you but when you start engines all failures are back.


    Which airframe?




    What about this one?

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