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Posts posted by VAOZoky

  1. Does rusians have R77 today? And why not upgrade Migs and Sus in some unoficial patch( i dont know if there is upgrade for f15, but if there is u can add it too). Then we can have all hypothetical scenarios we want:thumbup: Devs abandoned FC2 so its up to us to make it better. See u on sky mates:pilotfly:

  2. I agree with Cali. For sake of balance we need modernised SU27 that can cary R77 and Migs with better radar(that can shoot 2 targets at same time) not some fantasy R27-EA. Then we need "dead is dead" mod and not some cheats like leavu :doh:. Then FC2 will be better for all of us :smilewink:

  3. Incorrect; there were other countries who had reasonably well trained pilots - Iraqi's among them ... their radars and weapons worked, too. I know, sometimes the truth stings a bit ;)


    I dont know about iraqies but serbian migs didnt have working radar and they had only r60 on wings. And then consider that iraqies got almost all millitary equipment from exYu (for some unknown reason(we never got some oil from them :() we were friends with sadam). So good pilot+old planes-good missile=2 F15s+ 2 f16 win :cry:

  4. I want to apologize to 159th Viper. I was frustated when i posted some not very nice things. I have nothing aginst you, its just that you were at wrong place at wrong time. I hope we will be friends :)

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  5. Because last thread was violently closed by bunch of scered babys (GG and co.) i decided to start new one. Feel free to post here about A2A on KA50. I think that KA50 have A2A capability because it have all the buttons in cocpit.

    If need arises do u realy think that ruskies wont put something on KA50. Curently there is no need of A2A weapons on KA50 coz chechens dont have airforce and thats why we dont se pictures of KA50 with r73 or something else.

    And for my budies GG and Viper: Tepus mi racku!!!

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  6. If A2A missiles isnt in standard payload of KA50 when it shot at chechen terrorists it doesnt mean it cant carry those. I guess some people just dont know how to think outside the box. And please stop being retarded and saying that KA50 cant carry A2A missiles. Its like saying that M4 is better than AK47. Just wrong :doh:

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  7. I can live without a Russian fighter: the avionics are, frankly, sub par compared to western jets.


    The Russians have avionics now?! When did that happen?


    Tell that to them

    And now u tell me u dont have wish to fly one of those

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