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Posts posted by doright

  1. The training mission gets hung because the rocket pods are on the wrong station. Mission proceeds fine until right before making first attack run and you are asked to switch to DMS page and push buttons 8 and 18 to turn them off. The training gets stuck there. I created a loadout with the rocket pods on the correct stations, restarted the mission, reloaded on the ramp, load DMS, and then the training mission continued to the end.

    Currently LAU-68 M-151 HE on stations 3,4,8,9

    Mission overlays expects LAU-68 M-151 HE on stations 2,3,9,10

    Secondary note: the CCIP circle and CCIP gun cross reticles are not visible flying level at the assigned altitude of 6000' going to waypoint 2. Since the narrator is describing the various reticles something needs to be fixed. (The 4,8,12 circle and 4K cross reticles are visible)

    Open Beta
    DCS/ (x86_64; Windows NT 10.0.22621)


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  2. I was able to replicate this problem by assign two independent axes to the slew control. For example the Warthog controller throttle friction axis to the A-10C II vertical slew input, and the Warthog right throttle axis to the A-10CII horizontal slew input. This way I could be absolutely sure I wasn't blending controller inputs on accident. As Radboy16 pointed out the bug is that when both axes are deflected and then one input axis is moved to the zero position the game zeros both slew rates. If an input axis crosses zero the slew is zero'd for both directions, but the movement of that input past zero restarts the slew, however only in that one axis' direction.  An axis doesn't have to be at the maximum range for this to happen. This occurs on both TGP and Mav slewing. Hud cursor and HMDS cursor work correctly (although the circular cursor limit of the Hud and HMDS might make it seem like the bug is happening there too.)

    Any tiny movement of the input axis which the in game slew has been incorrectly zero'd and the game starts slewing again in that direction at a rate appropriate to the axis' displacement. This is why the bug becomes very apparent when controller is held against the limit in one direction, there is no small change to the input value to get the in game movement to re-engage.

    Hope this helps.

    Open Beta
    DCS/ (x86_64; Windows NT 10.0.22621)
    Thrustmaster Warthog controllers, custom script profile

    • Thanks 1
  3. I can see it happening with some frequency while trying to maintain formation, but the WW2 navigator never mentioned in his book the L/G warning horn going off for the entirety of their night SOLO missions on the deck. I only tried for like 45 minutes at full fuel and ammo and the horn was near constant, would have to throttle back even more to maintain 240mph with low fuel and ammo making the warning horn not even close to turning off.

    Maybe should inquire about the 500' AGL at 240mph profile. Probably would also have to account for the derated Merlins being operated today.

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  4. I was reading "Terror in the Right Seat" and the author/Mossie Navigator stated that they flew their night intruder missions at 240mph so that 1 minute was 4 miles which was 1 inch on their maps. Nice convent figures to use while trying to look for landmarks in the dark, playing owl and constantly checking 6, scanning for targets... I tried replicating this in DCS with a full fuel and ammo, trimmed out, low level. Trying to maintain 240mph almost always set the landing gear warning horn off. Either the DCS mossie has the horn setting is set a little too high, or the the actual pilots in WW2 just didn't hear it anymore (or both.)

  5. 1. The pickup training mission has a bug with the caption text. Previous captions do not go away and the whole of the captions start scrolling through each caption box.

    2. The landing training mission has fog down to ground level.


    Using Beta version with Oculus Rift.

  6. I just thought I would mention load-cell vs spring is what are you trying to emulate? A light aircraft or WW2 aircraft the toe brakes will feel more like the brake pedal in your car, some travel then fairly solid and you are modulating pedal pressure to change deceleration. A modern jet, however, feels more like the accelerator pedal in your car.  The pedal position controls deceleration (up until anti-skid works it magic) and springs provide feedback.
    As with all things aircraft related: your model may vary, any blanket statements I made are true. Until the counter-examples are revealed.

  7. Nice work. Matches DCS nicely. DCS doesn't match the real P51s trim knob movements exactly, but we only use a tiny bit of that range in DCS anyhow.

    The knobs outside diameters are 3 7/16in at the base and 1 1/8in tall. That should give you a bit more pleasant feel to the grip if you're going for a bit of realism.

  8. So this goes in the systems section of

    ...\DCS World OpenBeta\Mods\aircraft\A-10C_2\Input\A-10C_2\joystick\default.lua ?


    Also found this section for the flaps in 'Throttle - HOTAS Warthog.lua'

    {down = iCommandPlane_FLAPS_UP, up = iCommandPlane_FLAPS_MNR_from_UP,name = _('Toggle Flaps Up'), category = _('Systems')},
    {down = iCommandPlane_FLAPS_DN, up = iCommandPlane_FLAPS_MNR_from_DN,name = _('Toggle Flaps Dn'), category = _('Systems')},

  9. Thanks that makes sense. Without a ground crew to communicate within the game it was a bit baffling.


    The "finger checks" are a series of checks initiated by raising the appropriate number of fingers to the plane captain/ground crew for the check you are going to do. For instance, if I hold up 5 fingers, that signals we will be performing the wet acceleration check.
  10. What is meant by 'finger checks' that are referenced in the tutorials and pocket guide?

    I assume a pilot, even a Marine pilot, doesn't need to check that their fingers are still there that often (ground grew maybe).

  11. I have to wonder about so many beta changes piled on top of each other that DCS can no longer claim it is testing in preparation for a stable release. It would be only become much more difficult to differentiate the source of bugs. Put simply they have broken the develop, test, release model. Now they are merging feature branch after feature branch onto beta and seem to have forgotten the master branch because it looks so small and puny on the commit map.

  12. Enable User Snap Views, and set Custom Snap Views.


    Were you just guessing or did you actually get this to work with VR headset?


    When I tried the view would remain oriented the same direction as the headset. It might, however, jump linearly when snap keys pressed.

  13. The vol knob on the TACAN panel moves with mouse wheel input but the sound level doesn't change until the knob is first turned to its limits. Not sure if that is precisely the bug, but hitting the extremes then setting the level works for me.


    Maybe tonight I'll play with it some more and check the other radio and rwr vol knobs.

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  14. I'm hoping that DCS will add the ability to rotate your view by 45deg and 90deg while in a VR headset.


    Basically I'm not a young limber Air Force pilot and twisting around to see even the A10's wingtips is difficult. I could also add that the VR headsets still don't have the field of view your eyes naturally have. Snapping the view using the keys or POV hat for forward right/left and view right/left would be extremely helpful.


    To illustrate what I mean, say I'm straining to look aft of the left wingtip. Like watching the end of the runway on downwind. I push the POV hat to forward left and what is displayed in the headset is snap rotated 45degs. Now, without moving my head, I'm looking 45deg further aft. It is an easy eye movement to reacquire the rwy approach end and follow it further aft past the wing. The snap saves you from nausea being induced from uncommanded visual field movement.


    Adding a 90deg rotation is just for more choice and occasional use. I've found in Aces High 3 (which has a system like I've described) that more then 90deg and you start loosing the ability to associate your head position with the geometry of your view from the cockpit (and thus the targets position relative to your nose.) I've also found 45deg up is occasionally useful but even more prone to loosing sense of relative geometry.

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