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Posts posted by Dudester22

  1. For DCS you need to configure a virtual display where all you monitors fit in. So if you have a 1920x1080 monitor and a 1024x768 touch screen, your virtual display in DCS would be 2944x1080 (the better choice) or 1920x1848 pixels. The more pixels you have the slower DCS will become.


    Important in this equotation is that the grafics on the touchscreen are driven by the grafics card and not via USB and a virtual display driver.


    When you say I need to configure a virtual display what do you mean by this? In the link I have posted below the guy doesn't say anything about setting up a virtual screen. All he shows you is how to get the CDU working with the helios program. Does helios actually set this virtual screen up for you or not? Please watch the youtube video I have posted below just to confirm this is all I need to do. Thanks!


    Also, when you say not use a usb for the touchscreen I'm a bit confused. The lillieput 10" screen I was looking at uses a usb port and also has a graphics card I believe. So, how do I connect it if not connecting via Usb? And by graphics card, do you mean to have it use the my computer graphics card and not the lilliput one? Are you saying I need to get a touch screen that uses hdmi or dvi for the best results? I also posted the link to the lilliput touch screen I was looking at. Thanks!




  2. I just need a touch screen now, but I could do with some advice on this please. I was looking at getting the 10" lilliput touch screen, but I've also seen a 23" Acer one I like. I'm just wondering, if I opted for a bigger touch screen if I would increase lagg in DCS with it been a bigger screen? I'm only planning to put the A10C CDU panel on it for now.


    Does the lagg only occur the more panels you put on the touch screen, or does a bigger screen size also cause lagg? Thanks!

  3. Can someone please tell me the easiest way to get a panel like the CDU onto a touch screen display. Why does something like this appear to be so complicated? Can someone tell me the easiest way even though I wouldn't say I was a dummy when it comes to using a computer? I hate having to keep using trackir for the CDU.


    Also, does it cause massive lagg putting a panel like the CDU on a different screen? I was hoping to get quite a big touch screen. Thanks!

  4. However, I'm willing to bet that ED will hold back the DCSW2 release until NTTR is finished. They will want to demonstrate EDGE capabilities on purpose built map, not on a ported one.


    I don't think this is the case because I watched a froogle video that seems to state otherwise. In the video Froogle says DCS World 2 is free and ED want a public Alpha to test it. I might be wrong but could they sell the NTTR map while DCS World 2 is being Alpha tested? I hope so, but I'm not sure.

  5. Hmm, 340 views and seems no squads are recruiting? This then brings me to a question about multiplayer. Do all the squads use a server outside of DCS World? It's just when I go online I see many empty servers and just a few with people in them.

  6. The problem with seeing this new map is it puts you off firing up the old map. I really thought they would have released this by now given it's only an Alpha. Everyone knows there will be bugs with an Alpha, so why are we still waiting on a release date now? I just can't bring myself to start up the old map, so I'm going to wait before I purchase any new modules.

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  7. First matter of business upon release: fly into a tree to see if they have collision models


    Not sure why people are bothered about collision models on trees. You'd probably end up dead the first time you hit a tree in real life, so isn't it best just just to avoid them?

  8. Is there anyone know, which version will be last, before EDGE release?


    I thought we were finally going to get Edge a few months ago, but four patches later your guess is as good as anyone's.


    I take it these payware campaigns are going to work with the new engine when it's finally released? I'm a bit unsure about buying anything new until the Edge engine is out now.

  9. @Yurgon - Yes, your right and I will upload a track. I will do some other test before this though, like trying it in offline mode and checking for wind ect. it's a bit late here now, but I will come back and let you know tomorrow.


    One question before I do this testing though. Does anyone know if a repair of DCS resets your keys? I have mine setup just right and wouldn't want to ruin that. Thanks!

  10. It does function, you can try for yourself. Trim the stick while on the ground, then press the takeoff trim button :)


    Would the trim takeoff button be the button that lights up green when you press it? Because if it is I have always done this as part of the startup procedure. Also, how would you trim the stick on the ground when you have no idea how your aircraft is trimmed while on the ground? Or is there a way to tell you how the aircraft is trimmed on the ground?


    I am also using a Warthog Hotas, so the stiick should set itself up. I'm not new to this, so I know it's not something I'm doing wrong, it's just the aircraft needs to be trimmed down alot on takeoff and this wasn't the case before. If I show you a track it's only going to show you what I'm telling you about the aircraft pitching up, so don't see the point in that.

  11. I'm thinking of updating my computer, but only if I'm going to see better performance in DCS. I currently have i7 930 overclocked to 4.0 ghz, but i'm thinking about getting a 4790k. Would I see a noticeable difference with a 4790k or am I just better of waiting for the Cpu Skylake now? My motherboard is also quite old aswell now been a Gigabyte x58a ud3r, So would a new motherboard make any difference in DCS? Thanks!

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