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  • Flight Simulators
    E3-1230 32G-RAM GTX660 128G-SSD
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  1. 有谁知道野马飞机的机身贴图, 是否含有高光贴图, 高光贴图文件在哪里? 其他飞机有高光贴 图吗?比如A-10C的机 身高光贴图在什 么地方,如何调用?
  2. 感谢大师出手。
  3. 求一个搬运大师, 帮我把这个帖子里的 几个压缩包, 帖子的地址是: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=132444 LandTexturesSpringOther.zip LandTexturesSummerOther.zip LandTexturesAutumnOther.zip LandTexturesWinterOther.zip 弄到百度盘,或者360盘上。
  4. Who can provide the download address for latest version of "serverman"?
  5. nice!
  6. 关闭垂直同步呗。
  7. 手机上,居然看不全 帖子,代码后面的内容 看不到啊,不能像PC那样拖拽。
  8. 可以实现,参见我在insky发的帖子,有个PDF教程。可以实现在 同一个地图里,一个 机场晴空,而 附近的 另一个机场 雷暴阴雨。
  9. 我也试试 [VV]height=498 width=510 src="http://player.youku.com/embed/XNjk1MTc2MjEy" frameborder=0 allowfullscreen>[/VV] [RT]src="http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNjk1MTc2MjEy/v.swf" allowFullScreen="true" quality="high" width="480" height="400" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">[/RT]
  10. 乌拉!太好了,终于可以中文了 :thumbup:热烈庆祝一下。
  11. Dear friends: I help a friend send this post,please help us to solve this problem. "Dear friends Hello I'm trying to make a module for DCS1.5 recently.I'm in trouble, in the process of production.Want to seek you help. I used the cockpit of SU-27,But the cockpit model and plane model superposition,Blocking the instrument and HUD。As shown in figure below: In addition, the instrument, the pilot, the seats on plane model are also appear in my cockpit. Adjure everybody to help, thank you."
  12. I Like It Very Much。 Please make a set for A-10C。
  13. Include: 1.HUD Built-in Test Greeting 2.Personality number of steel seal on Front Dash 3.CDU Built-in Test Greeting 4.Pin-up Girl On Right Console 5.Nose Serial Number 6.Pin-up Girl On Cabin Door For Airstairs 7.Tail Code\Tail Coating 8.The Egine Cabin Coating Thunderstorm Squadron The Shawshank Redemption One Million Years B.C.
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