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Everything posted by badaboom

  1. HI,I'm thinking about getting one,I'm kinda on the fence!:confused: some say it takes areal long time to get used to.....do the directions come with it?....how much would that be in U.S. dollars?Thanks
  2. GOOD STUFF..........THANKS!:D
  3. I can't wait for 1.2 to come out!This is incredible.......I'll be in the market for a TRACK I R also[i just have to come up with a good story when my kids ask me ...Hey Dad.....Why do you have that thing on your head?]:icon_wink .......I also installed my old copy of EECH on my old PC,just to get in practice of rotor skills!!!!,It's still kinda fun!
  4. Very Nice!!!!!!:D Your editing talent is excellent!!!!I'm looking forward to your finished work,Thank You for your time& effort.
  5. Hello,I've downloaded a f/a-18 flyable mod made by BANANIMAL over at LOCKON FILES.I'm having trouble getting the weapon loadouts to work with FC. When I make a load out in the mission editor I see all my weapons in the payload screen but when I start my mission only half my loadout is there! I'm always missing weapons on pylons 7&8 I know that I'm realy flying the SU-33 but the skins that Bananimal made are teriffic!!!!!It realy adds to the imersion factor,anyway if anyone knows a fix or edit I'd like to know how to do it. :D THANKS!!!
  6. Mike,Thank You!!!!!!!I've never seen airshow pics from amature{im assuming}that are of that quality.......ABSOLUETLY BRILLAINT!!!!!!! That F-15 low pass is amazing.....It looks like he's about 5 feet above the ground......Are you a pro. photagrapher?
  7. I feel your pain!!!!! I waited 14+ days to get my # 2 disk......but your not out $30.00,Once you finally receive it/install your going to be quite pleased!!!!! IT'S FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!
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