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Everything posted by jepessen

  1. Hi. I've a new Saitek X52 Pro that I like a lot. The only thing that I don't like too much is the joystick spring that, in my opinion, is too soft. Have you tried to change this spring with an harder one? I've googled a bit but I did not found anything useful. I'd like to have some suggestion about the new spring and how I can change it. Do you think that's possible?
  2. Ok, I'll install them. Thanks for your support.
  3. No. Are they not automatically installed by Steam? I'm also seeing that they are for version, while in the splash-screen version that appears is only 1.1.0. They are different or the minor version number it's not showed? Can I install them without any trouble?
  4. Hi. I'm actually playing the Landing tutorial, and I've a strange behavior. Tutorial goes fine until I must set the ILS frequency to 110.30. The instructor tells me to set ILS frequency to 110 with the left wheel of the ILS panel, but when I do it, nothing happens and the instructor don't tell anything else. What can I do to continue the training mission? Thanks in advance for your replies. PS: I'm using A10-C with Steam installation, version 1.1.0 (according to splashscreen).
  5. Hi. I have a Saitek X52 Pro, that has a mode switch on the upper right position of the joystick. With its configuration software (SST) it's possible to give to a button three different commands, depending on the position of this switch. I'd really like to have the possibility to use this switch from inside the simulator commands configuration, to have it like a modifier button. In this case I'll be able to full configure my hotas without using its configuration software, without give mode switching assignment to other buttons that I can use for other commands. Do you think that it will be possible?
  6. But it's possible to use the "mode" switch to give different commands to the same button, from inside the option of a program, without using the SST software?
  7. I've checked and I've found that my profile is correctly loaded, but I've a strange behavior. In the attached image you can find my configuration for flaps (MAIUSC means SHIFT in Italian language). I've set the second toggle to activate F key or SHIFT+F Key but, when I try these command in A10-C, it seems that it does not recognize the SHIFT command. In fact, if I switch the toggle in both directions (up and down), I've always flaps down and never up. It seems that I activate only F key, and not the combination SHIFT+F, so my flaps never raise up. There's something particular to create a key combination like SHIFT+F?
  8. Thanks to all for your replies. Regarding the trim, I'm also trying to use Toggles. In particular, the left Toggle to trim up-down. I want also to use the central Toggle to raise up-down flaps and the right Toggle to use landing gears-lighst. Do you think that's a good choice? I'll try the also the zoom tip. I'm also trying to use the Saitek SST software to create a profile, but it doesn't seem to work properly. To do a test. I've created an empty profile and assigned only flaps and trim to my toggles. When I test them from inside SST, the key combinations are right, but they does not change anything in the simulator (in the external view flaps and trim does not change with X52 toggles, while with the keyboard shortcuts they did). There's something particular that I must do? PS: Please tell me if my last question must lie in a new thread.
  9. Hi. I'm trying to use my new Saitek X52 Pro with A10-C. I'd like to use one of the axis wheel on the throttle to change the vertical trim of the airplane. I've noticed in the configuration that it's only possible to set a key combination for increase the trim and one for decrease it. There's some way to give a continuous trim command to a throttle wheel? I'd like also to have the cockpit zoom control in the throttle slider, how can i do it?
  10. Hi. When I must to select some option in cockpit switches, it's hard for me to make the right choice due to graphics. I find switches hard to read due to my monitor resolution and zooming factor of the cockpit, and it's not good for me zooming and de-zooming continuously to make right choices in various switches. I think that will be really useful to have a pop-up window, like these that actually appear when i hold the cursor over a switch or a command, but with a list of options for that switch with the selected highlighted. For example something like: ---------------------- Battery - ON * OFF ----------------------- So it will be clear the switch option that's selected and it will be really easy to select the right one even if for little switches, even more useful with switches with more options. What do you think about it?
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