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Divide Et Impera

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Posts posted by Divide Et Impera

  1. Such countless Armchair critics and not one, yeah, not one attempt at a constructive solution proffered by anyone in 670-odd posts......Yet it seems all are more than happy to moan, and not just moan, but at times to be blatantly rude, disrespectful and discourteus to boot.


    It saddens me, it honestly does :disgust:


    We however persevere........


    Isn't this the job of ED to find solutions ? Plus he give solutions that are mainly impossible because ED has made brainless solutions .. Instead of a tree of engine with every new branches is an aircraft ( what was meant to be ) you need to cut the entire tree and plant a new one evrytime ..

  2. The thing i like the most is the " surprise " .. Have ED ever heard the word " communication " not any announce about the payware part.. What a surprise : evrybody's so happy to be surprised by this new upgrade that they buy it right now but if ED had spoken about the 20$ 1 month before the release i'm sure there wouldn't be as much fanboys buying it at the second it comes out ? We have now 4 games with different planes etc : BS1 A10C BS2 FC2 ... is it so impossible to get ONE DCS at least ( i understand FC2 is different psychology ) ONE exe. If they " rebuilt all the game " like they say evrywhere .. why didnt they make One.exe ...


    Being taken by surprise for a patch that just give the capabilities that we have already payed 60$ with A10C for a second .exe is ... ED

  3. But by the same token, the cost-benefit analysis wouldn't really stack up. It'd take some doing to implement the other pod and how many more sales would it yield? I'd estimate close to zero. Although I don't have any data to back it up, I'm pretty confident the number of people who chose not to buy Warthog because it only modeled the Litening II pod and not the Sniper pod could be counted on ones' fingers. If you're using the "but it's their job!" argument, then they're going to expect to be paid for it, therefore there needs to be a revenue prediction from spending that time. Nobody's going to run out and buy it because OMG Sniper pod!


    I also don't really see at as being something that's 'missing'. We have a targeting pod that's contemporary with the avionics and weapons that are modeled. A clone of the targeting pod with some inconsequential changes to the symbology and visual model isn't an interesting feature, IMO. I'd actually prefer TISL to be implemented, since it'd only be a borderline useless addition instead of a completely useless addition. :)


    The TiSL isn't used anymore in the a10c. But the sniper XR yes. You can understand that its détails like this that make this sim great , if they modeled things like boarding ladder and canopy éjection in a patch why not the sniper XR ? In this sim psychology you can't say " oh its minor we don't care " . Its the principe of this sim to be that accurate. Do you think that modelling training weapons is More useful than this ???

  4. ahhh, we aint worrying about some tree shadows buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudddy.

    we got clicky things to play with in the pit!


    :helpsmilie: Typical foot-licker .. tired of this kind of guy. THIS FORUM IS HERE FORE IMPROVING not saying " evrything is perfect ED go back home " ...

  5. Olgerd, I am very happy with the LITENING II AT! :) For you to work late on Friday night so we have a TGP with a angle window in front is too much!


    ? its their jobs , not a free work. this sim aim the more realistic aspect possible, and they sell it with this argument, so i don't see it rude to ask for something's missing. And for Olgerd i love your work this is just to improve ;) , but if the differences are that much why didn't you modeled it ?

  6. The only différence i see is that one is in WHOT and the other in CCD . Will you implement it ? Its very Quick only to change the model , and the differences are quite nothing. It Will be a Nice présent to get this new pod , and More realistic !

  7. I have a question about the newcoming CBU 97/105 :

    - does the 105 is a 97 with guidance GPS only for the big bomb ?

    - does the two have their submunitions laser guided with parachutes etc automatically ?

    - what does the HOF Will change ? With non guided submunitions i understand that the area of effect changes , but with guided submunitions ? The highest HOF is always better ? Submunitions Will just have a larger area to search . And even if the target are close to each other it Will not change because its guided ? ( the little claymores )


    Thanks !

  8. The DSMS can be swapped to either side just FYI. I think that is done via coolie switch forward (short) I think I am not at my desk so it might be long not short.


    BTW I don't mean to sound rude to you but the way you came across in your post to Eddie is a bit rude after all he did give you the answer just not what you wanted to hear. I think its the way you have said "thank you but frankly". We all spend a bit of time with this and its great you are sharing information as you have but not everyone has the time to type.


    Good write up.

    Much love



    He asked a question and frankly i can't imagine it would have help him a lot .. Either nobody respond or he can give the full answer . I dont see any rude aspect in his comment .

  9. The Ability to see the plane in ME while chossing payload or skin, like lockon before flamming cliffs 2 , i just don't understand why did they remove this option to see the plane and move it with the mouse, to check the painting of the plane to see the payload before starting mission, it was really cool ... Is there a reasonable reason why they deleted this feature ?

  10. Just join a team if you want to do multiplayer, whats the point of doing multiplayer if you're not flying with friends on TS etc just with strangers that may do shit in the middle of the mission ?

  11. How do you do to aim and shoot precisly illumination rockets ? even in ccrp with a spi set i dont get an aiming solution except the little circle but when i put my pipper reticle on it , my rockets impacts right on the target ... and doesnt illuminate anything .

  12. @EtherealN: i know about that, thats why i said ED finishe the job :-)


    and to it, they sure did more then we had done so far, cause they had a big interest in it :-)


    @ divide et impera:

    well new models for planes need to be done and produced too. unfortunatly no one in the community ever brought the fact up that it should be paid for too :-) so just think of the fact in th course of progress, all models need to be improved, and guess what, in a few years, lets say maybe in 4 years, every game will be in 3d vision, so what do you think will happen then? do you think the models will be worse? every generation of game and in addition the any new 3d software will bring new features too, so let me say it this way. when we would not be limited to the game engine and hardware, i could actually build a mig29 that gets very close to the real one, lets say maybe 99% close, cause do to all the little features of the new 3d progs, and enough time, you will not see any diffrence to the real one, besides the limits of th graficengine :-)


    do you yell for a new mig29 model again in 4 years too?


    we all know that the birds are important too, but who pays that?

    who pays the time of the guys who make it?


    most of the time the relationship pays for it, but not in advantage of the one who makes them and believe me when i say that from first hand.

    i have spend so many hours on the f15c, that my former girl asked me once if i want to marrie my comp. so why should people produce something when they get thier ass kicked from every direction, cause what use do i have as a 3d artist from comments in a forum like " ohh great, keep it going, it is so wonderfull, bl bla bla".

    it is nice to hear it, but when i want to be acknowledged for something then i want to be acknowledged from people i can look in the eyes, if i need that. but most of us, i assume that, do not need that in a forum :-)


    people make things cause they want to make it, and as a pro bono, they might get payed for it too, even when it is just a littlebit :-)


    and at last, to correct you in terms of this conversation. you might want to read over your postings again, cause your last post is not really referring to your earlier posts, it cant be, otherwise i do not understand your english, which might be possible too :-)


    I'm not english native that's right , and " only jackass never changes their minds " i was a bit angry with the " you're wrong your point of view is not intelligent " but when there is passion there's always debate , i'm not angry about anyone i just want as best as possible for this great sim serie .


    ( and i dont feel Alone anymore with my girlfriend too asking me if i want to marry my PC :) )

  13. I've never said that ED didnt deserve to get paid , i said : its Nice to make new map but i think it is as important as those 3D models , but nothing was written about , thats all . And i was saying to the one who told me " we dont really need beautiful mig 29 etc we need only beautiful SAM systems " that it wasn't true because the goal of this sim is to make VARIOUS situation : not only tank busting

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