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Posts posted by Daze

  1. I voted AH-64D... But I think a good argument could be made for the MH-6 Little Bird...


    Yes! I love flying the AH-6 in Arma. It or the OH-58 would be excellent imo, very fun indeed providing VCAS, and perhaps take quite a bit less time to model fully? We could even get an MH-6 variant with pods on the side to carry JTACs/HSLD badasses around the battlefield :D

  2. I'm finishing my A-Levels currently just, then hopefully off to Uni. I'm wanting to be a pilot in the Royal Navy or Army Air Corp, although it's a long, hard road and I know it will be difficult to make it happen. If it doesn't work out I'd like to be an Army Officer in a good infantry regiment.

  3. Dang $49 for a single aircraft seems a little too high.


    I was going to get this to have a little fun but that price to too high for me based on what I've seen so far.


    You have to consider the amount of effort, dedication, hours of work and research that went into making this aircraft. It really is impressive and we should be thankful that people are willing to do it. $50 is well justified, especially when you consider people pay £50 (not dollars) for Call of Duty on release every year and it has been essentially the same game for the last 5 years.

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  4. Anyone know why British Hawk/tornado/Harrier all have those wavy lines along the top of the canopy? Is it to aid orientation or something?


    If my memory serves me correctly, they are parachute cords, that tighten when the pilot pulls the ejection handle. The tension smashes the canopy completely allowing the pilot to eject safely.

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