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Posts posted by wolle

  1. Text-to-Speech is sorely needed. Currently mission designers use pre-recorded sound files. That works only for missions that follow a rigid script. 

    It doesn't work in dynamic missions. How for example would a mission call out the coordinates of a dynamically generated unit, whose spawning location is determined by live lua script and depends on the exact mission state. What is needed is a trigger.action.outTextToSpeech() in analogy to trigger.action.outText().

    • Like 3
  2. Since I couldn't elicit a response on the forums, yet, I twisted the arm of a friend of mine. He confirmed the bug, with server/client computers a 1000 miles from mine and therefore completely independent of my installs. Nevertheless, I still hope that others will test it too, because this is an important bug that currently makes MP WWII bombing missions involving wingmen an impossibility. Let's help ED in their stated goal of squashing MP bugs. Speaking of ED, is any of the moderators home, a quick acknowledgement of my bug report would certainly warm my heart... (since I spent many hours on isolating this bug)

  3. I now attach an even simpler mission to verify the bug. You don't need to own the Channel map or the WWII asset pack, only the P-51D module. How to reproduce bug:


    1) Run the mission on a server.

    2) Join the mission on a separate (important, same computer as server and client will not crash) computer as a client.

    3) Fly around the target (at X-abandoned airfield) until the wingmen report tally of the armored vehicle.

    4) Then use radio menu F2,F2,F1 (flight, engage, ground targets) to have them engage the armor. After a second or so the client will freeze/crash, the server doesn't crash.


    To avoid misunderstandings:


    This mission does not crash if played in single player, or in MP with server and client on the same computer.

    It does not crash if the wingmen are loaded with guns only, but no bombs.


    I also attached the latest crash dump. Any feedback will be appreciated, whether you could reproduce the bug or not, both types of info will be very helpful. Or even if there is any other info I could provide. Helping out will take only 5 mins.:helpsmilie:


    Muchas gracias, vielen Dank, merci beaucoup, spasibo..

    simplfied Wingmen attack ground target test.miz


  4. Hi Marc, thanks for your reply, but I'm not sure if this is what I meant. Yes, I know sound files can be triggered in various ways. But if I trigger a sound file by a unit entering a certain location, every one will hear the sound file with the same loudness no matter where they are on the map, no? An air raid siren from airfield x should be very loud if a unit s on that airfield, less loud for a unit in the next village, and be completely silent from someone 100 miles away. Or did I misunderstand you?

  5. Please use the attached minimal mission to verify the bug. How to reproduce bug:


    1) Run the mission on a server.

    2) Join the mission on a separate computer as a client.

    3) Fly around the target until the wingmen report tally of the armored vehicle.

    4) Then use F2,F2,F1 (flight, engage, ground targets) to have them engage the armor. After a second or so the client will freeze, the server doesn't crash.


    To avoid misunderstandings:


    This mission does not crash if played in single player.

    It does not crash if the wingmen are loaded with guns only, but no bombs.


    Hope that helps, let me know if you have any questions.

    Wingmen attack ground target test.miz

  6. Thanks, that's a smart way of doing it. For now, however, what I'll prolly do is measure the runway length by hand in the ME, and collect them in a lua table. That obviously has the disadvantage that this table must be updated by hand when they make changes to the maps....

  7. No, unfortunately ED gave it torpedos only.

    You could let them fly low level over the target area, so that the sniper-gunner can shoot at the ground targets with their lasers....




    Thanks for the reply. That's what I suspected. In my humble opinion, that's a bizarre decision by ED not to give it bombs. A German bomber is sorely needed...

  8. Someone has to go first:)


    Here's the link to Operation Lionheart/Unternehmen Loewenherz


    This is a dynamic WWII mission for the Channel map. Because it scales with the number of client aircraft and uses a script that balances the mission, it can be played in SP or MP, both sides are flyable. Possession of the Channel map, the WWII asset pack, and one of the war birds is required for this mission.


    The Reich occupies much of France and the Allies are building up their strength in England. Both sides launch raids across the channel to probe each other's strength and test each other's resolve.


    Fly across the channel and engage air, ground and naval targets as you spot them. Intercept enemy bombers.


    Communicate with Radar installation using the F-10 menu.

    Make good use of your wingmen.


    The spirit of this mission is that it is flown without recourse to the F10 map, with player navigation and location of enemy targets done through visual clues and text clues provided by the dynamic mission script. The mission was designed to be VR friendly.

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