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Posts posted by Mandrake5

  1. Congrats on the release!


    For MP we URGENTLY need the ability to lock the RIO/pilot slot if we prefer to play with Jester/Iceman instead of human RIO/pilot, and to stop idiots jumping into our jet mid-air (and then ejecting).


    Don't know if this a HB or ED issue though...

  2. Tempest was great fighter, no doubt about it.

    But please also note that when Tempest entered to service, there was only handful of Experten left in Luftwaffe. Rest of them were green pilots with only few hours of combat flying (if all) and poor training. It did not matter much wich plane they were flying, or against.


    Pierre Clostermann, Tempest ace himself wrote that he did keep warning his pilots to NOT enter dogfights against 109's under 500km/h where Messerschmitts turn better or over 5000 meters because 109 had better performance over that height.


    Fair points - of course you try to fight to the strengths of your own aircraft. And as it's 1944 and the Allies are now the aggressors, it will be easier for the RAF to drag the defending 109s + 190s down to where the Tempests prefer to play....

  3. I guess he meant from planeset that will be available in DCS:WW2


    ah I see...that makes much more sense!


    Not if dogfight happened under 500km/h or over 5000 meters ;)


    Wikipedia: "In air-to-air combat, the Tempest units achieved an estimated air combat success ratio of 7:1, accomplishing a 6:1 ratio against single seat enemy fighters".


    High or low, fast or slow, I'll take those odds any day ;)

  4. The best tactical option would be to stay at low altitudes where the Merlin can still compete - or better still, a P-47.


    Your logic seems bizarre. If it's a late war scenario (April 44 -->) surely the best 'tactical option' would be a Tempest V? Then the 109s really are the 'poor old buggers' :music_whistling:

  5. Sorry but this is your own doing rather than ED's, I don't fly the Eagle as often as most but in a server without datalink and limited mountains I could possibly fly all day and get plenty of kills without loss. To do this i'd have to fight at range to remove the risk of 50/50 (even less) merges to preserve my k/d. Regardless of what you think making kills at range still works well.


    Now in the same scenario in the Flanker i'd guarantee i'd never get anywhere near as many kills by adopting the same tactics, alternately I get close and toe the fine line of chance with merging.


    You're right I have a lot (understatement of the decade) to learn as a pilot. But I'm sorry, your assessment of BVR is way off; I've seen too many Su/Mig drivers push straight through Aim120C's @10-12nm without even going defensive. Noob reds may still get caught out, but most others don't.

  6. Even with the 120 being crap and causing many engagements to degrade to a WVR fight, you can still beat the Su/MiG more often than not when this occurs in the Eagle. There are obviously people making the mistake of not carrying sidewinders in favor of 8 120s. The Eagle AFM has fixed a major issue I've always had attempting to dogfight vs the Russian drivers in the past. The Aim-9 is more functional now that it has ever been, and the number of times Iv'e lost a fight in the past from not having them with me is maddening.


    This is really interesting - would love to know more about how to leverage the Eagle's AFM in a dogfight - are there any particular moves you now like to make (which weren't possible pre-AFM)?

  7. So a quick question then? Will the missles be adjusted to match RL performance? From all of this discussion its difficult to really know what is the 'official' stance on the subject beyond missles are WIP. The reason I ask is that Im a recent F15C driver (1.2.8 ) and I have no idea how the AMRAAMS behaved in previous versions. Did they behave more according to what we know of their RL specs?



    In theory, yes, however they've been saying the missiles are WIP ever since AFM was introduced (over a year ago). It seems the complexity of the AFM means adjustments are extremely difficult, but personally I can only assume (due to the elapsed time and lack of apparent progress) that there is either no internal agreement on the specific missile changes needed (usually masked by the disclaimer that nobody knows the RL missile performances) or ED has simply been deploying its resources elsewhere (probably EDGE/Nevada, and bringing other aircraft up to date with the AFM).


    The result? Over a year of very lop-sided combat in which the F15, the world's pre-eminent air superiority fighter carrying the most technologically advanced MRM's in the sim, has been stripped of its long reach and forced into the role of dogfighting target drone for the Su27/Mig29. Frustratingly, there seems to be little (zero) sign of this being addressed.....but hey on the bright side, I guess we're getting lots of time to study and practise guns-only ACM offline...book.gif


    I'm now waiting for my Oculus Rift DK2 to arrive, then I might venture back online, hoping (praying) that the increased situational awareness gives me a few more minutes alive-time against those HMS/R73/R27ETs...

  8. It's not really something you can research. If you know the right people and they are kind enough to you' date=' they might teach it to you. I'm not really convinced though that everything can be passed via communications and debriefs. I'm looking at stick handling in particular.[/quote']



    Ok, understood - I guess the next question is: are these mysterious differences in 'fighting quality' modelled in DCS?

  9. I generally agree ...


    The Eagle fights better, but you have to know things that we never actually talk about on the forum to even understand that, let alone use it.



    Could you give us a clue? Happy to do my own research if I know where to even start :music_whistling:

  10. Is this a game about points or a sim about air combat. If you merge with an enemy that is superior in WVR then expect to lose, if you want to control the airspace then fly higher than the enemy and rain actives on them pushing them lower and further away, that is the way it works.

    If you're not happy with failing to splash the bandits and score points because they got low and turned away from your missiles then by all means chase them down get in a merge, but don't then get upset when you lose.


    If you stay out of his comfort zone he can't kill you, if he wants to kill you he has to push to you where he will die. The mentality of failing to kill your target so you must press until you do is the undoing of so many.

    I've killed plenty of bandits with 120C from 20nm, my failure has been when i've pressed too much, with mutual support you can control the airspace with AIM-120C.


    Again, all valid points, but still you refuse to acknowledge the real issue that nerfed MRMs strongly favour the red jets. I wonder why you choose to keep looking past this? Not sure I appreciate the condescending insinuations about games/points either.


    As it happens, I want my DCS experience to reflect reality as closely as possible: i.e, I expect my F15s to have a shot at dominating the air using their real world technological advantages in BVR. I don't expect to constantly RTB Winchester with zero kills or to be drawn into WVR dogfighting in EVERY SINGLE engagement simply because my main weapon system currently has the PK of a jar of marmite @>8nm.

  11. All missiles have the same issues, i'm tired of hearing people bleat about their 120's when the actual problems of hitting moving targets with missiles actually effects every missile. Surely by now the penny has dropped that if you fire at a bandit in a certain aspect your missile is going to suffer, if the bandit starts defending that missile you launched then he's going to need another one to keep him busy whilst you get out of dodge and come back to fight again or push for the merge, all depends on how confident you are. But if you lose out don't start blaming it on missiles because it's the same problem for all.

    You know the deal so adapt, there is no black and white that says x missile should kill y bandit 100% of the time in a given scenario.


    This just fuels reason to lay blame on anything but pilot error. The opponent survived, he defeated your missile, you died, you didn't defeat his missile, simple.

    When/if missile tracking improves the BVR arena will be tougher but you'll still get shot at and still need to concentrate on surviving, so if you're getting shot down now you will still get shot down later on.


    That may be, but you're conveniently missing the key point: compared to the red fighters the F15C is poorly equipped for WVR and therefore RELIES upon the prowess of its advanced BVR package in combat.


    It's all very well glibly stating that the underperforming missiles 'effect all pilots equally' from the cockpit of your EOS+HMS+R27ET+R73 equipped Flanker, but this is patently untrue. Indeed, it obviously suits red pilots very nicely for the F15s to be forced into close range fights right now where you have more than the edge.

  12. @OP: don't worry if you can't hit anything with the Aim-120, as of 1.2.8 they're still effectively close range missiles - draggy, slow and completely useless >10nm. Even then, if the target knows even basic evasion you need to be within 6nm for a kill with the 120C, and 3nm for the 120B (I pretty much use Aim120B's like sidewinders :( )


    Hopefully the AIM-120 will become an actual BVR weapon again 'soon', but then I've been holding my breath since 1.2.2.... beginning to wonder if it's even possible to fix them in the current engine...who knows.


    Can't speak for the Russian missiles as I haven't tested them.

  13. I don't know the facts you said, but in wikipedia and the encyclopedia in the game, we can find R-27ER has a longer range than AIM-120C, which likes the performance of them in FC2. However, they have the same range in FC3(v1.2.5) as my tacview shows. Aren't they facts? Or we shouldn't consider them as facts?

    Anyway, this is a game after all, and it is the BVR combat between F-15Cs and Su-27s that makes FC our favorite game. But now, with Su's and Mig's missiles porked, I'm afraid that few wanted to fly Su-27 and Mig-29S, and they wouldn't like this game anymore. So please make the combat between F-15Cs and Su-27s more balanced on the basic of simulation.


    Please tattoo this somewhere on your person:


    F-15+AIM120C wins 1:1 BVR versus Mig29S+R77 /SU27+R27ER every time (pilots being equal).


    SU27+EOS+R27ET+R73+HMCS wins 1:1 WVR versus F15 every time.


    It's so painfully simple and these circular arguments are getting so painfully tedious.


    Can we keep this thread to sensible requests, such as broken EOS, draggy missiles, bugs, etc and ditch the infantile conspiracy theories, or don't some of you reds want this game to reflect reality at all?

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    In reality: An AIM-120 is fire and forget only at the point it goes active, and even then there is value in supporting the missile (it will use your data to defeat ECM, other countermeasures, and sort targets if there are multiple targets in its field of view).


    Is this behaviour modeled at all in game? If I maintain lock all the way with AIM120C, does it have a higher chance to defeat evasion/CMs at all?

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