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  1. Whelp, there is nothing you can do about it so, guess you better learn to live with it or find something else to do. The announcement of the F-35 in no way undermines or diminishes my confidence that the A-10 or F/A-18 are not as realistic as ED was allowed to make them.
  2. The Flaming Cliffs aircraft have always been in DCS so I don't see how exactly ED is "shifting" away from anything. Mission builders as well as server hosts are free to include or exclude whatever aircraft they see fit. No one is forcing anyone to play a mission or fly in a server that doesn't meet their preferred level of "realism".
  3. The video did not contain a Naval Phantom nor any other Phantom news. What you have been looking at is one of the existing liveries. Didn't contain "news" about a lot of things, yet they are in the video.
  4. Would have hoped for an F-22 instead as well but with the announcement of the full fidelity F-15C, which I always wanted ED to make, perhaps ED felt they would compete with one another for sales.
  5. Yeah well, I was half kidding but I think they get the point.
  6. Official DCS World 2025 and Beyond video @1:32, Phantom II wing with a USN marking.
  7. Look on the bright side, this opens the door for all sorts of modules. Su-57 anyone?
  8. With all the attention to the ground war in the vid I'm wondering if they're not hinting at a long overdue update to Combined Arms. Also, Is that a Naval Phantom wing in one of those shots?
  9. I'll play Devil's advocate. DCS World is ultimately a game and without money, the game dies.
  10. Don't worry, by the time ED actually releases an F-35 it will be retired and all documentation declassified. But seriously, if ED was going to go this route then why not the F-22, I might have been able to get onboard with that at least. Thought I heard it said in the past they wouldn't do a Mitsubishi Zero sighting the lack of documentation, I guess we can look forward to one now? But what I'm really looking forward to is the full fidelity Su-57, man that is gonna be awesome.
  11. Refunded without prejudice. If the issues with Razbam reach a satisfactory resolution I may consider re-purchasing it, but for now, I'm not dealing with it given the less than satisfactory handling of the situation thus far. "It's my prerogative. I can do what I want to do."
  12. Pilot models look terrible. The Gumby wrists when holding the rifles are particularly offensive.
  13. The exhaust sound is coming out of front of F-4E instead of out the rear. As it stands, directly behind afterburner is quiet.
  14. Tried that, not working.
  15. Latest version, playing in Multithread, every time I join a server for the first time after starting DCS world, it will go through the connection loading screens and then crash back to the menu screen saying "connection timeout". If I attempt to join the server immediately after that it will connect just fine. Happens ever single time I fire up the game and with ever server, so I essentially have to join any server twice to get it to load and connect properly. I've done a cleanup but it didn't help. Any help would be appreciated.
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