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Posts posted by kontiuka

  1. 1 hour ago, Guille H. Mono said:

    Hello all, just want to say I'm very happy with this plane and the continuous work of the developers.

    We should be getting some more goodies tomorrow.  Don't know what exactly though except for double bomb racks.

    • Like 3
  2. 18 minutes ago, chroma_aus said:

    I'm running at 1080p with an RX 5700XT. Textures on High, MSAA x2, Anisotropic filtering x16, no sharpening or upscaling. DCS inherently has a bit of shimmer, but these settings look good for every other module, so I'm hoping to finally get the Mirage F1 working too.

    I think there's a general issue with MSAA that got introduced a few patches ago which affects all modules and all terrains.  But, ya, the Mirage F1 cockpit seems to suffer the worst from it.

  3. 59 minutes ago, DmitriKozlowsky said:

    I think , I have the cold start + INU, process , somewhat handled. But not completely. When errors do occur, I am stumped, and generally , respawn.


    You can rid of all those lights by pressing the servo reset button by the parking brake.

    As for the ADI, I'm not sure what you're doing but my process is to set the dial to GM and wait for the "CAP" warning light to go out and for the ADI flag to disappear.  Then I start the INU alignment.

  4. 28 minutes ago, DmitriKozlowsky said:

    Decent explanation. THX

    So SOP is just to turn them on at start up and leave them on?

    You could but best not to because you won't be able to accelerate as quickly with flaps down.  Just think of them as another tool in the toolbox.  They're there if you need them but don't always rely on them.  It's best to keep airspeed up instead of being slow and counting on flaps.

  5. 7 hours ago, DmitriKozlowsky said:

    So the secret to using COMBAT FLAPS is?

    Combat flap button turns them on.  Combat flap lever turns them off.

    Yes, when they are on, the flaps will automatically extend when below 300 kts.  You won't be able to manually retract the flaps but there really isn't any reason to anyways, i.e. why have combat flaps on just to retract them?  You can manually extend the flaps to full though even with combat flaps engaged.

  6. 11 minutes ago, DmitriKozlowsky said:

    This is one is confusing me. 

    I hold down start untill RPM reaches 300, then bring throttle to IDLE. Then release START. Then engine start up dies and FIRE light goes ON. THats it for the session. The engine is gone. I dont quite get what I am doing wrong.

    Probably holding the START button too long.  Hold it only for 2-3 seconds.

    • Like 1
  7. 12 minutes ago, DmitriKozlowsky said:

    On F1EE is that called RETARD OVERRUN or IM/S/PPS switch. Aside from that I dont see any adjustement wheel on right side of HUD. Is there a picture? What is it called in Adjust Controls?

    It's called "Manual gravity drop selection thumbwheel" in keybinds.  It's on the side of the HUD base, not on the front so you have to tilt your head to the right to see it.

    • Like 1
  8. 7 minutes ago, DmitriKozlowsky said:

    AG guns pipper makes no sense. 

    Shells go nowehere near where AG guns pipper is on top of HUD. AA guns pipper is much more usefull for AG guns strafe.

    In AG Guns mode, the shells impact halfway between bottom of AG Guns pipper and 1 Pitch index bat on HUD.

    All air-to-ground delivery in the Mirage F1 is manual.  Which means you have to adjust the depression of the pipper (using the large wheel on the right side of the HUD base) depending on the weapon and the flight parameters (speed, altitude, dive angle).  There are some tables in the kneepad but setting the depression to about 45 should work pretty well for guns and rockets.

    When the Mirage F1M version comes out, things will be much more automated.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  9. 23 minutes ago, DmitriKozlowsky said:

    Here is track where rockets dont fire, but guns do.

    Tied with Guns IN, guns out

    Tigger Unfolded/Folded.

    Various permutations. No joy.


    Switchology is a bit confusing and there is lack of cockpit feedback.

    F1_Rockets_fail_2fire.trk 8.55 MB · 0 downloads

    I watched your track.  Everything seems to be set up correctly but it looks like your trying to fire rockets with your gun trigger.  You have to use the "Bombs, rockets, missiles" button which gets exposed when you unfold the trigger.  Remember to hold the button for a couple of seconds or the rockets may not fire.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, DmitriKozlowsky said:

    OK, I am not getting something here. To fire rockets.

    Master Arm : ON

    Activate AG Guns/Rockets mode: ON

    Gun Safety OUT

    Trigger UNFOLDED

    Inner pylon rockets are not firing.


    "remove Gun Firing Safety." What does that mean? Does that mean GUN SAFETY OUT or IN? Language and terminology is issue here.

    You may just have to hold down the weapon release button for a couple of seconds for the rockets to fire.

    GUN SAFETY OUT means the gun is hot.  You can tell by the animation on the stick.  Once the GUN FIRING TRIGGER is unfolded, you'll be able to depress it.  If GUN SAFETY is in, you won't be able to depress it.  Again, the GUN SAFETY only applies to the gun.

    If you are still having issues, please post a track.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 18 minutes ago, DmitriKozlowsky said:

    WOW that is confusing! What s going on here.

    MASTER ON guard switch OPEN

    Master Arm: ON

    Air-Air Gun slected or Air Ground Gun

    Sight Selector: ON

    Here is where it get weird

    Gun Firing Safety IN/OUT . Not sure wha that means in context.

    Gun Firing Trigger Folded/Unforlded. Again, what does mean in context to allow fitring?

    In globals I have Simplified Gun Safety: OFF for realism.

    So what are the correct switchology to allow AA Guns, or AG Guns/Rockets to fire.

    Right now I have not ht upon correct combination.


    Ahh. the French. They sat around to figure out how to prevent weapons from being fired. Figures!

    Gun Firing Safety is just a stopper that prevents you from depressing the Gun Firing Trigger once it is unfolded.  To fire missiles/rockets/bombs, you just have to unfold the Gun Firing Trigger.  But to fire guns you have to unfold the Gun Firing Trigger AND remove Gun Firing Safety.

    Once you've removed all the safeties, you can select AA guns 1 of 2 ways.  Either by pressing "CAN.A" on the weapons panel OR by going into dogfight mode with the "(C + M or SW) R button" which automatically selects the air-to-air gun and wingtip missiles.  You'll know you're in this mode when the green light to the right of the HUD lights up.  Remember that this mode overrides anything you've selected on the weapons panel.

    Alternately, once you've removed all the safeties, you can select AG guns / rockets with the "CAN.S ROQ" button.  There's a bit more to it when it comes to selecting wing stations and salvo mode but start with what I've told you.


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  12. 1 hour ago, DST said:

    From the current DCS changelog: 


    "Hands are correctly positioned now on the stick and throttle in VR."


    Last time I checked, there was no body (not tried pressing Right Shift - P, as I still assumed there is none implemented) was there one added in recent updates? (sorry I cannot test for myself at the moment) That would be very nice surprise! 


    1 hour ago, Raven (Elysian Angel) said:

    Yes that line in the patch notes got me wondering as well 🤔

    I think it is only referring to the VR hands.  No pilot body.

  13. 19 hours ago, lwalter said:

    Using Quest 2 and I have heavy shimmering on the black panels of the cockpit.

    I have anti-aliasing on and have no such shimmering or very little with any other cockpit, including the very similar dark Mirage 2000 cockpit.

    Which AA mode are you using?  I don't use VR but I also get heavy shimmering in the Mirage F1 cockpit.  Especially, the EE.  But I'm using MSAA and I think that mode of anti-aliasing stopped working a few patches back.  I can tell because there are more jagged lines inside and outside the cockpit no matter which module.  The Mirage F1 just seems to suffer the worst from it.  Before the patch in question, the F1 cockpit looked fine for the most part ... at least in 2D.

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