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  1. ricktoberfest's post in Position Of Helmet Mounted Sight In VR Is Terrible was marked as the answer   
    There is a setting in the special options to adjust it for your hardware. 
  2. ricktoberfest's post in stuck at "first strike" , not proceeding was marked as the answer   
    Did you start the jet?  I think it waits for the radios to be up before anything happens. 
  3. ricktoberfest's post in "Game Flight Mode disabled." was marked as the answer   
    Yes, but it’s not been supported for a long time. Just causes issues and bugs that no one can figure out. I guess they decided to just disable it to prevent those issues. 
  4. ricktoberfest's post in AH-64D vs AH-64D Longbow was marked as the answer   
    It’s configured in the mission editor. Might be part of certain missions. 
  5. ricktoberfest's post in Hook up cargo while hovering? was marked as the answer   
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