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Everything posted by Patroclus

  1. I did not know that. I assumed all modules would be on steam and other companies. thanks for the info. :thumbup:
  2. This post has some information that might interest you. http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=111212 edit...I believe you still need LOMAC to install and play FC3 on DCS world. edit of edit....I bought the LOMAC download here: http://shop.ubi.com/store/ubina/en_US/pd/ThemeID.8605600/productID.180160000
  3. Hello all, I needed a break from racing sims so I downloaded and installed DCS World and FC3. All seems to be well. The integrated electronic battlefield is what grabbed my interest in buying the games.The game looks and runs very nice on my 'middle-of-the-road' computer. I have only played Falcon4 Allied Force and that was with a keyboard. I was never good at F4AF, but it was a very fun game. I bought a used HOTAS X Thrustmaster, but for the life of me I cannot figure out how to program it in the game! LOL time to find and read the HOTAS X and FC3 manuals before bugging you for help. :joystick: Hope to try out some of the online servers in the future. Please wave when you see me gliding to earth in my parachute! :music_whistling:
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