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Everything posted by I2obiN

  1. Yeh I noticed sometimes the plane veers to the left usually so I try to correct it, when I do though (and I use the keyboard for this), I get a massive blast of trim in one direction. On review I think it just couldn't cope with the amount of trim commands, flew another hour killing about 60 units and it didn't happen. :thumbup: Basically every 3 or 4 seconds the plane would just try and roll onto it's belly and go into a dive.
  2. Okay up and running on the A10c without too much pain. Doing gun runs, launching mavs, and lasing up peeps in the TGP for the GBUs. I even finally got the nav lights figured out. One thing is plaguing me though. Aircraft trim. What is the deal? It gets to the point where the plane is violently going left right and out of control. I'm hammering LCtrl + T but nothing is resetting. I'm desperately trying to counter-trim the planes seemingly SUPER assrape trim, but it's no use. No amount of RCtrl + ; , . / z x < > up down doesn't help. It ends up destroying the hyrdaulics and the master caution for low hyd pressure sounds after about a minute of wrestling with the beast. What am I doing wrong?
  3. Nice find, have to agree with NRG I think a lot of this stuff is fairly outdated. The defensive split they suggest would never work in reality. If you go high and your wingman goes low with two bandits on your tail, they'll blow you out of the sky. Especially if you do as the video suggests and go into a dive, there will be an enemy missile waiting for you on the way down. The wingman doing a 180 degree turn into a climb won't be able to catch up to the enemy in time either. A split-S followed by a defensive split left and right low means you can keep your airspeed blistering, and the enemy won't be able to bring missiles to bear on you as you'll have airspeed advantage once they finish chasing your split S. I wonder what F4 pilots would think of this video hehe
  4. Punched the coordinates into google maps for a laugh. Can anyone confirm if I put them in right?
  5. Apparently on mission 2 of the default FC3 A10-A, DCS decided to equip my A10 with the new orbital strike cluster bombs. The only explanation is that clearly somehow one of the clusters became sentient and directed itself towards the nearest Russian satellite. It was up there for the entire mission right uptil mission complete.. still gaining altitude :S
  6. Hey jspec I also had trouble with this mission. Ended up beating it on the 5th try or so. Can't remember exactly what I did but I believe it was a case of just bombing it up into the air as fast as possible and taking out the su-24s first before all others. If I recall I just flew defensive once the su-24s went down to allow my wingmen to get in the air. I remember thinking it was a bit ridiculous how close they were to the base, but it can be done. I'm still stuck on this campaign myself, I'm currently on the mission that requires you to fly a CAP deep into enemy territory to take out a flight of Su-25 variants guarded by two SU-30s. I have done the mission so many times now. Eliminated all enemies and hit all waypoints, eliminated all enemies and then hit bullseye. Finally I have mastered it so well that I have now just done it without losing a single wingman, they're all tucked away in their hangars nicely. Still not getting a mission complete unfortunately. I have flown all over the map to see if it triggers any new enemies but it doesn't seem to. I just get locked up by SAMs and most of the time shot down or turning tail and pegging it back to the mountains. Still crazy good fun, it's hilarious to watch the SU-25s run like mice once the missiles start to fly. Sure your wingman will occasionally ram a missile up your engines, but that's part of the fun lool
  7. Hey, I'm stuck on the fighter sweep mission, the one with about 10 enemy aircraft, mostly SU-25 variants and two SU-30 fighters. I kill every last one of them, hit all the checkpoints and land but still no mission complete. No other objectives beyond kill all enemy fighters. Anyone beaten this or any advice? There's a lot of SA-11s in the area but it's not a strike mission, just A2A. Thanks in advance, happy flying. :thumbup:
  8. Carrier landings still possible with the F15.. unfortunately lost my radar in the landing. Was still able to fly it back to base and take off from the carrier. Was going about 100 knots when I landed on the carrier:joystick:
  9. It's a great game really, it's provided countless hours of entertainment already. These are just really observations, I'm sure most of which can be explained. Please keep up the good work :thumbup: because it is very good work.
  10. Hey there, Having some minor issues with the game and I thought I'd give some feedback and just try to figure out what I'm doing wrong. My usual tactics are failing me in FC3. I have played through the A10/F15 campaign in Lock-On and in FC2 for both aircraft. I was pretty happy to see the F15 get a new campaign in FC3. The new missile dynamics look great etc. However, I have been having some issues. The first might be a sensitive subject here and thats the AIM-120C/B missiles. My experience of missiles before was that AMRAAM missiles typically had a good chance to kill at 20-40 nm or so. My only previous flight sim to Lock On is F22 by DiD which is really more a game than a sim lool ;) This generally crossed over to Lock On in that I engaged enemies from a decent altitude with about a 5000 feet advantage, and I was in with a good chance of a kill at 20-40nm (40nm max it was probably less than that looking back, but easily BVR) This seems to have disappeared completely, yet other missiles seem effective. Playing online on the 104th's server I found my only two kills were an AIM-120B at about 15-20nm when the target was at much greater altitude, and then an AIM-7 Sparrow at about the same, however the sparrow did a far better job at staying on target. Loading up instant action, I enabled infinite missiles and out of the hundreds or so that I shot, very very few hit at 20nm. Beyond that I don't think I got one hit. In practice I have found using them in the role of AIM-7s as medium range missiles seems to be far more effective. At this stage, and correct me if I'm wrong, but they seem to be almost completely ineffective at ranges greater than 10nm If that's the way they're supposed to be, okay cool. If I'm missing out on something that I should be doing other than locking the target on radar, waiting for the star on the HUD and firing the missile, let me know. Anyway, My next issue is with the AI. You probably already know what I'm going to say. They're chickenshits. I was stuck for a long time on a bombing mission where you escort the F16s and F15E in to bomb a runway. There were times when I had destroyed the fleet of migs and su27s except for maybe 2 planes, which I had managed to drag half way across the map after me. I watched as an F15E jettisoned his bombs, tanks, everything about 4 meters before the runway as he broke away to engage the su27. Why... why not just continue your bombing run, you're not going to save the aircraft anyway. Really I can understand if they got cornered miles away from their target, ditching their weight and taking out the enemy, then rtb. This is absolutely absurd though when you are no more than 1nm away from the runway, just program them to stay the course if they are within certain range. This happened so often where the AI just does not use his head. It's not just bombers either.. your wingmen drop like the insects they are. In the mission where you go up against a ton of SU25s and an SU30 I instantly lost 2 of my wingmen seemingly out of nowhere. Despite taking down the SU30 with an aim9, the rest of my missiles combined with my remaining wingman's only scored us both 5 kills. Honestly, with most of these campaigns I feel they're not realistic if this is the performance of an F15 on average. Realistically NATO would surely send two flights of 4 F15s Landing on the runway, my wheels broke out from underneath me at 150 knots as the wind seemingly lunged me to the left. I ejected and watched the F15 skid to a halt. This has happened twice now, while I'm on a fairly reasonable glide path. edit ; Found the reason, bombed out runways don't make for great landings. This brings me to my next point. Landing/take off Why does my plane drag to the left/right all the time? It's not aircraft trim, so I'm assuming it's wind? These aircraft weigh in at 60,000 lbs. My 300lb - 400lb bike doesn't drift this much in wind. Am I doing something wrong? Everytime I'm on the runway I'm constantly tapping z to straighten it, when I take off my HUD is horribly aligned, but once I gain some altitude and it straightens up, everythings fine. I'm assuming this is wind, if so it seems absurd. In an aircraft that weighs in at 2,000 lbs I would expect strong winds might have this affect on it, on my bike that weighs in at 300lbs I can go 80 knots and not have the wind blow me into another lane of traffic, even with 15 km/h winds. A 60,000 lb jet should not really be affected this much by 5 meter winds. Perhaps I have done something wrong, I did try to set the aircraft trim to counteract it but to no avail really. Anyway those are my initial impressions, if someone can help me out with any of them, or give me advice to remedy my noob faillings :joystick: please do. Have a good day, peace edit ; PS I have found a bug and a remedy so for anyone out there who's airplanes are dropping out of the sky, unplug any controllers you have plugged in and turn off motion joy. To my detriment I found that with my PS3 controller plugged in the aircraft would randomly power off engines and send me into an uncontrolled spiral. It was quite funny at first, but when you're flying a mission that requires low level flying and you suddenly lose your engines, while doing an aileron roll at speeds previously thought impossible, all while grabbing at your ps3 to just remove the damn USB cord, your likelihood of survival is nil lol.
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