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  1. I don't have max anymore,... can someone convert the max file in a LOM file and post it here ?
  2. +1 and.... It didn't make me laught... Despite of that, nice video edit as always
  3. Maybe u can try the 1.4 realease ^^ http://www.modern-air-combat.de/index.php?topic=2661.msg18951#msg18951 Thy Tom :~)
  4. Sweeeeeet !!!! By the way, thy for the 1.3 realease of your jet package ;~)
  5. Wha Vire... Heu, sorry, Tigrou, what a magnificient work !!! That's beautiful ! To JaNko, good hunt ! That's very cool from u
  6. That doesn't mean it wont work, but some minors pbs could appear on the Walmis F-15. That's the fact and another one is 14.95$ isn't very much. I'll probably buy this patch because I really love Lock-On and because I'm a great fan. I really like the work ED does on LO but sometimes I'm disappointed... I have already said why so I'll wait for the patch FC 2.0 to give a constructive advice. By the way : thx for the rep increase after the loss, it is still a pleasure :) Thy to 159Th_Viper for the inbound, not to Ulrich from the ED team for the loss
  7. I guess the 3Go's team and Yeniceri from SIM-MOD will perform the evolution of their models for FC2 (I hope so), but the Walmi's F-15, I think nobody has got the source anymore and FC2 means : no more Wlamis F-15 (and when you see the screen shot of the F-15 at the begining of the thread, it's very worry because it is just awful.... But Borchi and Tomcatz are working hard on new F-15.... Thy ED for making us pay again for this crappy F-15 model from 2003 and thy to the fan who will rebuild it ;~) PS : I've noticed I have loose some reputation points.... I'm quite critic with this patch, and I pay for that ? I don't want to be misunderstood : I'm very happy that ED realease this patch, and I just express some critics because nothing is all white or all back.... Anyway, I don't care of my rep here.
  8. yes, I agree, the FC 2.0 is a very great news as I've already written at the begining of the thread... but I also have a few fears about it, especially for the framerate. As everyone here is so happy, my dissident opinion is not so important. I stop arguing because it's not constructive. I'll wait and probaby by this "patch" @ 15$... That's not so much.
  9. That's so fun to see people so happy to pay 15$ for no new aircrafts and some old improvements which could be out since 2 years... And I guess nothing have been done to improve CPU and GC management,... Wow, effectivly : thy ED... L.O.L²
  10. I'm not sure you've noticed,... FC 2.0 will replaced the Crimean/Russian LO map with the Russian/Georgian of DCS,... So, except if I've misunderstood, even the waypoints of your plane can't be import.
  11. Wha that's a f...ing good news ! Really ??? that's pretty close from now... CoOol
  12. Wow ! There are a lot of very great screens here !!! With a lot of very great 3D models !... Impressive ! Here is a screen of the 3Go's SU-27
  13. Wow ! You rox again and again !!! That's beautiful and your link is already in my bookmarks !!! Thx a lot !!!!
  14. That's a mother f...ing great news !!! CooOOool !!!!
  15. Take your times, like girls says,... the longer it is, the better it is
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