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Posts posted by mkiii

  1. Yes. Same problem here. During the training exercise, I got it to work perfectly, when I made sure I was trimmed up, on the correct heading (aligned with the runway), within a few degrees of the WP1 heading, and at the correct altitude and speed way before approaching WP 1. One proviso - I set my sped a bit slower than recommended, at just 160kmh - which seemed to help.

    I did not touch route mode until I had set DH/DT to auto, and DH sub mode on the AP panel. I also did not touch the INS Gyro switch - which starts off in the mid position. 

    I suspect that lowering my speed and maintaining a roughly correct heading initially is what made it work for me, if you are off track, you end up with a large turn radius that causes you to miss all the waypoints.

  2. It has never worked for me in any multi monitor setup. You should be able to see it if you press ALT+ENTER, but you run the risk of messing something up when you do that, and you will have to do it every time you want to use the thing. 

    This is unacceptable IMO. There NEEDS to be an option to manually place it, and ALL those floating windows that DCS uses such as Kneepad, Control Indicator, AI controls for AH64 etc.

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  3. The fix shown above is already IN the latest update - it even has a link to ASTO... Either way, the result for me (3 main monitors sideways, +1 extra for mfds to the far right)) is identical to the first release, ie the CPG menu  is on screen 1 halfway off the bottom, with the Pilots menu nowhere to be seen. 

    YES I know how to bind them.  IMO, this and the control indicator NEED to be movable like the Kneepad, although even that insists on disappearing off to the furthest right monitor and still needs a slight mod like this one to make it appear on the 1st monitor by default. This is not 1990, things like this should not be hard-coded.

    My fix using the ORIGINAL file places them on the leftmost menu, near the middle. YMMV GREEN STUFF IS MY EDIT Adjust compas_pos & weap_control_pos

         --not for VR!
        compass_pos = {-0.8 * total_aspect, 0.5} -- ORIGINAL LINE {-0.82 * total_aspect, -0.7}  --relative to screen center, 1 equals screen height afaik
        weap_control_pos     = {-0.8 * total_aspect, 0.5}  -- ORIGINAL LINE {0.8 * total_aspect, -0.75}
        --viewports stuff    
        local v = find_viewport("GU_MAIN_VIEWPORT", "CENTER")
        if v ~= nil then
            if v.width ~= total_w or v.height ~= total_h then
                ULX = v.x
                ULY = v.y
                SZX = v.width
                SZY = v.height
                local aspect = SZX/SZY
                 -- NOTE ALL THE STUFF IN BLUE IS DIFFERENT IN THE LATEST UPDATE                                                   
                weap_control_pos = {(ULX + SZX / 2 - total_w / 2) / total_w * total_aspect * 2, -(ULY + SZY / 2 - total_h / 2) / total_h * 2}
                compass_pos = {weap_control_pos[1] + compass_pos[1] * SZX / total_w, weap_control_pos[2] + compass_pos[2] * SZY / total_h}             
                weap_control_size = weap_control_size * v.height / total_h
                compass_size = compass_size * v.height / total_h
        --end viewports stu


  4. Messing with lua files like this (as we currently have to do to position the control indicator for example) is not a "solution". It is a hack that could be broken by next week. Don't worry guys. It only took a few years to make the Kneepad movable, and in a few more, we may even get an option to select a start position in the main menu, for in-game UI, so you never know. That may also apply to the Control indicator & the AI menus. 

    • Like 1
  5. The MB339 is officially broken now. Take a look at their page. The last but one page does have a fix to allow it to be used, but the module still does not function correctly with this version of DCS.

    Note: You must remove the MBB339PAN folder completely from your Users\Username\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Mods\aircraft. If that dosn't work, then you probably have another mod with a problem. Remove them all to start with. Reinsert one at a time. to find out which.

    • Like 1
  6. Just Downloading now... And I see that already people are complaining about it! What do you want guys? Read the T&C and meaning of "Early Access" before you start.


    Meanwhile congratulations to the team, getting it out under such trying circumstances.👍


    PS: little congrats to me too. This is post 666 - that has to be significant in some way 😉 

  7. What is this insistence on the module being fully complete before a manual can be produced? That is clearly not true, witness the F16, and how the F-18 and Harrier modules had quite lengthy early access manuals, to mention but a few. Most modules have at least a provisional manual that is much more detailed than this quick-start guide that doesn't even mention the Autopilot, which is pretty fundamental to the use of the module, and no, it should also not be necessary for the user to by the Mi-8 in order to learn how that works either.. 

    Non Russian speakers should also not be expected to know about, nor need to  find and translate, Russian manuals on the off chance that they might be more informative.  Come on now. Just update the English (and presumably other language versions).

    • Like 1
  8. Yes usually. You should look into using ovgme to install any mods such as this, as well as to temporarily disable them before updating. I'm sure there will be threads covering this if you are unsure of how it works. 

    The essentials are simple though, you create a second "shadow" folder somewhere that mirrors the DCS file structure that you are changing. I store all my mods in a folder named _Mods. In that, this mod is in a folder called new_Kneeboard, so this file is in _Mods\new_Kneeboard\Scripts\etc etc.  When you enable the mod in ovgme, it backs up the original file to another folder, and when you need to update DCS, you disable the mod and ovgme copies the original file back. This ensures that your install is always 100% standard if no mods are enabled. Otherwise, you can do it manually. Just be sure that the file has not been changed by ED though... It does happen, and can cause problems if you apply an outdated file with a mod.

    Basically, you still have to keep track of things..

  9. Believe me it gets worse if you have more monitors. Thankfully, we are at least able to drag it and resize it now. That is a very recent addition. 

    Unless something has changed recently, the Monitor setup file has no effect on the Kneeboard. It hasn't for many years. I use the following changes (in green) to my  

    Scripts\Aircrafts\_Common\Cockpit\ViewportHandling.lua  You will just need to tweak these numbers to position where you want.

    local kneeY = 1000         -- Following lines by MD
    local kneeX = 688           -- MD
    local kneePosY = 70       -- MD
    local kneePosX = 1216  -- RH side of my Leftmost monitor. 

    -- positioning on screen in HUD Only view 
    function update_screenspace_diplacement(aspect,is_left,zoom_value)
        local w = LockOn_Options.screen.width;
        local h = LockOn_Options.screen.height;
        if LockOn_Options.screen.oculus_rift then 
            local ui_x,ui_y,ui_w,ui_h = get_UIMainView()
            w = ui_w;
            h = ui_h;

        local x0 = 0
        local w0 = 0.5 * h
        local aspect     =     aspect or 1
        local zoom_value = zoom_value or 0
        local default_width  = w0 + (64 * zoom_value)

        if default_width > h then
           default_width = h
        if default_width > 0.5 * w then
           default_width = 0.5 * w
        local default_height = default_width / aspect
        local default_y      = h - default_height
        local default_x      = w - default_width - x0
        if  is_left then
            default_x   = x0
        --dedicated_viewport           = {default_x,default_y,default_width,default_height}  -- This is the default value
        dedicated_viewport = {kneePosX,kneePosY,kneeX,kneeY}        -- MD  replaces line above with the values from the top

        dedicated_viewport_arcade = {default_x, 0        ,default_width,default_height}

    • Thanks 3
  10. I guess you mean stabilator droop? I never even noticed it being missing before., but you are not wrong. 


    I guess (but haven't checked) that a good many, if not all, DCS aircraft are missing such things as control surfaces drooping. I did notice that an empty DCS Spit had elevator dropping under gravity, while one with a pilot did not, as he was holding it in a neutral position. So all good there. 

  11. Sure, you can use anything as a Shift state switch if you want to give up a joystick button (or a keystroke), and DCS is easier than BMS to do this, but keeping it "real", the usual suspects on a TM Warthog stick (for example) both have functions IRL, so you have to compromise. If you also have a throttle, there is usually a spare button to use a shift or to reeplace the function lost by using the pinky switch or paddle on your stick. If you don't have a throttle, get one.


    In BMS, I use the Target Script editor to add a Long and Short hold function to the paddle switch so it can function as a shift if held for half a second or as a AP override if held for longer.

    Use the Tempo command in this example to Produce F12 on a short press, and act as the normal  button 4 Paddle switch. if held longer :-

        MapKey(&Joystick, S4, TEMPO(F12, DX4, 500));

  12. Why? Surely it is better if every aircraft had the same  L/R/C MFD display export name as they do now? 

    If all are unique, then you need to create a separate entry for each. aircraft in your monitorsetup config. Or are you concerned about something other than exporting them to a screen?

  13. And I personally would like to see this one finished before they even think about another version. Personally, I only have experience with Dutch & Belgian F-16As, and would love to see those, but I guess it will need a third party or a modder to do this any time soon..


    While they are at it, can they create a Tornado GR1, Jaguar, Buccaneer, Hunter, Wessex, Puma, Chinook, Bulldog and Chipmunk, and other types I have worked on.

  14. On 12/25/2020 at 10:17 PM, Baco said:

    Er.. I don´t think Is That Simple QuiGon.. I believe Port Stanley changed quite a bit from 1982 to 1999 or even 2010. The airport has a new configuration too... They should place the airstrip in Goose Green, compleately gone in the new century... 

    I believe it might be a few more things than just removing MPAB...;)


    Now regarding the decision to make a modern Map. Its not intended to simulate another conflict with argentina, but maybe a super power clash for the strategic location, maybe China, maybe Russia, 

    All true. Stanley airport is much changed, with the metal strip extensions gone, and runways now shortened again. Most of the bomb craters still exist if you look at recent imagery, and the terminal doesn't looks much different from what I remember. Port Stanley City itself seems to be much expanded now. There are roads all over the place that did not exist in '82. The Harrier strip at Port San Carlos  (post landings) is gone, and the "village green" of the sheep farm no longer looks like something out of M.A.S.H.  I'm not sure that Goose green had a lot going on in 82 structure-wise that is, there were some slit trenches and gun emplacements, but the strip was  just mown grass, same on Pebble Island.  The main thing you would notice since '82 is the relative lack of utterly destroyed Argentine equipment littering the place. 

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