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Posts posted by Shadoga

  1. 24 minutes ago, Naquaii said:


    Yeah, unfortunately it seems some gremlins have snuck in there, it does indeed not seem to work as it should currently. We'll be investigating that closely and hopefully we'll be able to sneak it into a hotfix.



    The only really new one is target aspect (RT/LT) which unfortunately seems bugged atm. The others are the same as the older readouts. HD would be heading.


    Thanks, Naquaii!  But is there a list (akin to what I sketched above) or other documentation somewhere about the older readouts?

  2. Re.: NEW: Added a second readout row to the TID (including target aspect angle) as per updated software tapes in the real F-14.


    Is there documentation somewhere that lists, decodes and explains all TID track data fields?


    Something like:
    - "AL +/-xxxxx" is track altitude above MSL in feet


    - "RA xx.x" is track range/distance from ownship in NM



    Asking specifically about what "RT/LT xxx" in the new lower data line left corner stands for and what data that is...

    Same for "HD xxx"...


    Thanks in advance!

  3. Mein Hauptbeitrag für zu niedriges Geschwindigkeitsgefühl in Bodennähe sind die viel zu großen Bäume.

    Vergleicht die Bäume mal mit danebenstehenden Objekten wie Häusern, Brücken oder Fahrzeugen - oder lauft mal nach einem erfolgreichen Schleudersitzausstieg durch den Wald und schaut euch die viel zu großen Blätter genau an.

    Die in DCS platzierte Vegetation ist ums ca. Doppelte vergrößert und macht damit auch einen realistischeren Geschwindigkeitseindruck zunichte.

  4. Hi Vibora, thank you for the quick answer!

    I searched through the whole .miz file already, the l10n/DEFAULT folder only contains the 3 briefing pictures as .png's plus two small files without ending: "dictionary" and "mapResource".

    No full approach map in .pdf or any picture format in the whole .miz archive for me.

    I tried with WinZip, WinRar and 7zip.

    How does the approach chart look for you? - name, format & size?

    Any other idea, what the problem could be?

    Anyone else able or not able to find the charts in QuickStart Landing Missions "Medium" and "Hard" .miz archives?


  5. Same here, connect by IP does not work after yesterday's update, dialogue-box "Address unavailable" with OK-button popping up.

    Log attached.

    Of course, it would help if you could remove the main need for connecting by IP in the first place, which is the calculation of a wrong and way too high ping to a server...


  6. @MadMonty:

    If you want to select a preset channel to become active frequency, you simply enter the channel number (e.g. “5”) into the scratchpad instead of a full manual frequency and hit enter.

    Alternatively, in the DED main page, you move the up/down arrow active symbol to Radio 1 or 2 by 4-way dobber down input - then you can select active channel for that radio via rocker switch up/down.

    Is this what you are looking for?





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