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Posts posted by gerd

  1. 18 hours ago, Manhorne said:

    I did the same as you but My performance is horrible now. I cannot even play because it is so bad. Not really sure why. Everything was fine before the update and I have my setting set to what they were then but did not make a difference...

    18 hours ago, Mateo said:

    I have got the same, strange strong stutters that last 1-2 s and appear once per minute or even more. I do the test with all new features OFF and AA also OFF. Just to init new optimum settings - I fail.

    Gents, the 1-2 second stutters we have experienced in 2.9 are gone if I run the single-threaded version (from \bin folder), not the multithreaded one that is now the default (from \bin-mt).

    (Running on 4-core i5-3570).

  2. 15 minutes ago, Manhorne said:

    My performance took a huge hit with this update...Very jittery and stutters a lot. I made no graphics changes just to see and make sure the update worked.Anyone else having similar issues?

    I have the same issues.

    Deleted fxo and metashaders folders before srarting 2.9, enabled MSAA 4x as it was suddenly off.

    I get roughly the same fps (note that the standard launch icon now runs MT version), but it stutters at least 1x per minute even on simple good old quick missions like Huey - harbour tour or P51 dogfight with Dora.

  3. 7 hours ago, Silver_Dragon said:

    ED has testing new lighting technology on Persian Gulf map, but actualy we dont know if ED has complete them, maintain testing or / and release them to 3rd Parties (Similart to Supercarrier technology). Ugra and others 3rd parties surely start to use them when ED realase them into the TDK SDK and learn to use them.


    Well, Razbam has this in their South Atlantic changelog:

    • New - Updated Lighting components to support 2.8 releases new lighting system
    • Improved - Converted all Lighting to 2.8 standard for all our objects
    • Improved - Lighting within hangers now cast light into cockpits

    Therefore I would assume they already have access to the new lighting technology (or at least some preview to have a heads up what needs to be adjusted).

    • Like 1
  4. Last year the new terrain lighting technology has been introduced for the DCS: Persian Gulf and once finished, it should be implemented in other maps (as per the Newsletter). I have no doubt this will happen with ED's own maps, but what about maps from Ugra Media? There has been silence about this.

    Is the new Normandy 2.0 coming with the new lightning? What about Syria?

    • Like 1
  5. When the F/A-18C got released several years ago, I got the impression from the early access manual that radio channels 1-20 are preset via mission editor and the only possibility to use any other frequency is via M channel, which the player/pilot can overwrite while playing.

    With the release of UFC BU page I saw one can change the frequency for 1-20 channels right there, but to my horror I have discovered I can overwrite the frequencies also directly on the UFC.

    So what is the point of having the M channel compared to overwriting e.g. channel 20?

  6. Wow, what a mission. I am reflying this campaign now with A-10C II and the emotions are high:

     - nice weather setting at the beginning (do turn off Hear like in helmet option and you will be chilling by the startup procedure ends)

     - tanker is too dark to see without NVG, too bright to see with NVG, the trick is to hide his tail position light behind the canopy frame

     - landing on a runway 25 with TACAN only not being able to see anything (with NVG once can see patches of fog, without NVG one can see black) and hoping the runway is there...

     - taxiing to the parking spot I missed it twice due to low visibility.

    Aced it on the first try (well, second, as on the first attempt the lead crashed into me lining up for takeoff), but In the end I was so happy I made it back in one piece that no combat sortie could compare.

    • Like 1
  7. Hi,

    I have just discovered this mission and I'm enjoying flying the transport missions in Huey. I am keeping my head low on the treetop level (sometimes hugging the ground if possible), but I still get shot down often. What is the intended play? Should I load some rockets with me and shoot back? Am I choosing a wrong (straight to the target) path and should I divert via some remote area first?


    And because Mi-24 should be a bit more durable than UH-1H, would it be possible to give it transport task as well? You know, there is a compartment for 8 troops or 1500Kg of cargo...



  8. Hi Sabre,


    I was now flying the basic flight maneuvers mission (turns, descends, autopilot) and had encountered the following:

    - after takeoff climbing to the first turn point I suddenly got "you failed to disengage the anti-skid" followed by the usual scoring messages.

    - continuing the mission I got to the point the instructor told me to land, so I did, nice touchdown at the perfect spot and suddenly damaged the aircraft and shouts that I failed the mission. Looking around it seems the instructor killed me with his landing gear down overflying.


    I have noticed before that sometimes "stuff" can carry on from mission to mission in DCS, so I made sure I quit the game, start it anew and immediately fly this campaign mission.

  9. Hi Sabre,


    thanks for the update to A-10C II ! It is nice to have this weathered cockpit. Just played through first 2 missions to get up to speed with the hog again.


    Taxi mission - I played it 3 times due to some missed switches on the startup (rusty, rusty) and the first 2 times the fuel truck moving away from my spawn position collided with the hog taxiing out. On the third attempt then managed to avoid the collision - perhaps a peculiarity of the game engine.


    Takeoff/engine-out mission - I was focused on my startup when I heard "2 ejecting", the hog in front of me on 1'clock was in flames and indeed ejected on the tarmac - spectacular show, but not sure if it was intended.


    General comments - the extended 15 minutes for shutdown now seem like no challenge at all compared to the original 2 minutes, but on the other hand real life procedures are not rushed either.


    Is there any benefit in playing through the Practice campaign? What are the differences from the actual Qualification?


  10. Regarding design, I have noticed the user experience vastly differs on TN monitors vs IPS/VA ones. On TN (laptops, older monitors which refuse to die) everything looks white or more white, while on IPS/VA one can suddenly discern individual shades of gray and it starts to make sense.

    Then there are some functions I miss, mainly the "new posts" going for several pages, not the short extempt we get now.

  11. For some of the controls that have only a small number of simple functions, like the Antenna Elevation wheel and SCS Depress, as well as things like Weapon Release and Trigger, I'm thinking they may not need to be included because they're fairly easy to remember. Or should I just do everything for the sake of completeness (or because what I think is easy to remember isn't relevant to other people)?


    I vote for completeness, so Antena Elevation and SCS Depress should be definitely in.

  12. From the recent newsletter:


    We are working hard to release DCS: A-10C II Tank Killer. Particular attention is being made to the buffet and stall flight dynamics, the implementation of the Helmet Mounted Cueing System (HMCS), creation of mission content, updating the flight manual and finalising the instruction videos.

  13. Flew the 2nd mission today. I had no issue with the startup speed (although did some checks just to do the check without actually checking the result), but what surprised me a bit is the inconsistency:

    - mission card told me to fly 250 KIAS, but as the others found out, I had to give it full gas most of the time (280KIAS) to keep up with the lead

    - mission briefing in PDF told me to return through Sally corridor reversing the steps entering it, but the actual flightplan diverted on the "elbow" and went straight to the 10mile final.

  14. Hi,


    there is an issue with the first (taxi) mission on current Open Beta 2.5.6.


    - examiner confirms my startup procedure

    - we taxi around, get total 2 confirmations on looking good (first by the flags, second on exiting the runway towards the parking area)

    - the jeep continues about halfway through the parking area, turns slightly left and continues past the parked civilian plane and the building through the fence elsewhere

    - I am sitting there next to the civilian plane (can't follow due to the fence) and nothing happens...


    Reproduced 2 times - yesterday and today.

  15. Great job TLTeo!


    I was a bit dismayed from the original discussion thread where everyone was crying loudly about their favorite feature to be prioritized, but your data bring some consolation.

    The trends you are showing support a rational approach of "I do not care which system will be implemented first, but when it is, I do not want to unlearn it with subsequent changes."


    Thanks people! :thumbup:

  16. I have a doubt about the deck crew:


    - They'll work since the pre startup to the take-off or only for catapult?


    It has been mentioned several times in the official channels that just the catapult (although it would be cool to guide you since the parking spot.)


    It is clearly visible on the video that the guys are just standing there and activate once Wags hits the spot just behind JBD.

  17. The vast majority of participants here would never see it and all feedback would be internal so there really wouldn’t be any additional community-wide noise.

    Which means the time between releases would be longer (time needed for testing and fixing) and that goes against the crowd shouting if there is no new release every week.


    Remember the days of 1.x when we would get a new patch about every quarter? Those were quite stable...

  18. VR seems to be different though. does anyone know, why basically everyone here that uses VR has a very low gamma set ingame? are VR headsets calibrated to a different standard?

    Could it be that LCD/TN panels in VR headsets are brighter than IPS / VA screens most people have in their monitors?

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