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Posts posted by Snake-fx

  1. It look like now I can easily repeat the bug in a 1 vs 1 with a Mig-21 in a mission created by me for training reasons. It is very ridicolous, here I have also tried to an emergency landing on a near airport without wings and canard XD The engine flame out and gliding very well but I couldn't get to the airport for the low altitude.


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  2. Someone have encountered this bug? For me is the third time. Receiving a hit and start to fire, then wings and canard goes away but despite the extensive damage and flames the engine work fine and the aircraft flight correctly like wings and canard are still here. I can also continue to climb and manouvering. Then the engine stop for low fuel but the aircraft easily continue to glide very well XD I have saved three replay but in one replay after taking the damage the aircraft fall correctly to the ground out of control, despite the original show the bug.




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  3. Would it be worth checking Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 runtime install as well?


    I have tried installing Visual C++ 2010 but nothing change.

    Today I have restored a backup of the DCS World with Acronis True Image, so now I have the 1.2.6 regularly functioning, better than nothing :smilewink:. Probably this week I will try to update the "test" installation that I have on the other hard disk, to the 1.5, to see if a new update now can work.

    However when I originally have updated to 1.5, I have used the torrent method but I remember that two times it stop to functioning. Than trying to restart the update, it check the already downloaded files and start the download from where it stop, so I thought there were no problems, but maybe some files could be corrupted? Maybe it is better to don't use the torrent method?

  4. 1.2.6 uses DX9 and Lower System Specs.


    Try Running DCS as Administrator


    Also Make sure your not running DCS1.5 w/ the Integrated Intel HD Graphics.


    Also a Detailed System Spec read out would be helpful.


    I run DCS as Administrator from the beginning of his Installation.

    Absolutely I don't use the Integrated Intel graphics!

  5. After updating the software you mention above, You may also need to restart the PC. Did you restart after updating them?


    No, I have used ( as many times ) autoupdate that start when you launch DCS. Clicking on "update", then when finished it launch DCS World, but the mentioned advice appear. Following restart have no effect.

  6. After upgrading to the last version ( using the updater that automatically start when launching DCS ) the sim don't start. Windows 7 show this message.



    Then clicking on close the program it say that is impossible to start the application and that I must click on ok to close that notice.

    I have searched on the forum and I have seen many users having a similar problems and they have solved installing msvcr120.dll or installing Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013. But unfortunately none of this solutions work for me.


    I have tried the repair function of DCS but also don't work.


  7. I want to report only a minor inaccuracy. I am creating a mission in the editor in which 4 Tornado IDS do an antiship mission armed with KORMORAN missiles but the editor don't show the option to mount it on the pylon under the fuselage. It allow only to install kormoran on the main underwing pylons, but in this case renouncing to the fuel tanks and reducing the range of the aircraft. The exact configuration on the real Tornado is with the missile KORMORAN under the fuselage and fuel tanks under the wing.

  8. Ok, after trying to install DCS World on another conventional hard disk ( not the dedicated ssd that I have on my PC, dedicated to flightsims ) it seems that this installation start in 3/5 seconds ( like anyone I think ) and all appear to work without problems. Now I will try to update at the last version of DCS and then reinstalling the A-10C to see if all continue to work well...

  9. Ran repair and now I have long load times. Was patched before.


    You could be correct also by running the beta...


    I'm sure it will get fixed in due time. Along with track ir and other misc bugs, etc..


    No when I run repair I have to wait only 4-5 minutes, for now it is the only solution to the 14 minutes of wait of default. This happen from the first installation. Updating to the last two official update don't solve the problem. Only some days ago I have found this partial solution, I have never used repair option before.

  10. Have you tried running it with no input devices at all?


    You may also need to rename your input folder in user / saved games / dcs / config (as a backup) and then run the game again. The game will rebuild that folder... see if it helps.


    I haven't understand this passage ( English is not my language as you can see from my post ), can you clarify?

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