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Everything posted by ikilby

  1. well done the deletion of the folders and rolled back the driver. FPS are actually a bit faster up from 60-100 to 90-120. However, the stutters are still there. Why doe DCS not create these save games and folders on the drive where i installed the program. The program is installed on a brand new 1TB SSD and my C drive is still and SSD but an older and smaller unit.
  2. No i have not. Do i delete the folders and everything in them or just delete the contents? Where are they located
  3. Hi just come back to DCS after a while away. Firstly I upgraded my SSD that DCS is installed on to a 1TB SSD. I copied the files from my old SSD onto a removable HDrive and then removed the old SSD, and added the new one. This then has the same drive letter as the previous one and I copied my files back on. Then updated to the latest version of DCS and install my modules. When running DCS even just on a single F18 free flight, I am seeing occasional stutters and pauses. I was running 16GB or ram, and this morning upgraded to 32GB of RAM. The issue is still there. I don't have a bad system: Intel Core i& 6700 @4GHz 32GB Ram @3000MHz Window 10 Pro 64-bit Geforce GTX 1080 8Mb Ram DCS installed on SSD Thrustmaster Warthog Throttle & Joystiq SAitek Rudder Pedals screen Samsung 3440 x 1440 75Hz Geforce driver 431.60 I have switched on the FPS counter in DCS and I average between 107 down to 70 FPS. I have uploaded a capture showing the stutter then pause to google drive and the link is below. These I am seeing at varying times during the flight. Also posted my in game settings Anyone have any ideas? https://drive.google.com/open?id=1bjzue_uqv4E1OjlJXjfUIfG4eT2JJ0av
  4. Today i have 16GB of RAM, but just ordered 32GB for tomorrow. So we will see if it helps :) I did look at performance when running and F18 free flight in Dubai was pushing 14.5GB of Ram Hence why i ordered more RAM.
  5. You sir are a genius. That worked. APU now working !!! Thank you so much. Now all I need to do is continue programming and work out why DCS stutters occasionally when in flight! Cheers
  6. All, just come back to DCS after a long break. Thought this time I am going to setup my HOTAS properly and the way I want it. I have a Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS Stick and Throttle with Saitek Rudder Pedals. I have just started using Target GUI - I do not want to get into scripting manually. First Control I am trying to program is just not working right. This is for the F18. I am trying to program APU-ON & APU-OFF. This is what I am trying to do. Switch APU-ON it turns on the APU with LSHIFT+A and turns on LED 5. Then when I turn off APU...APU-OFF it turns off the APU again with LSHIFT+A and releases the LED. I turn on Battery first in the Jet before the APU (RSHIFT+B) I just cannot get this to work. The APU-ON & OFF are programmed to PULSE the LSHIFT+A. If I do that I can see the switch just wiggles and stays off. The LED Turns on as expected. Flicking switch to APU-OFF does the same switch wiggles but LED turns off. Only way I can get the switch to work correctly is to change the command to HOLD. Then the switch works but no other key works as I guess it is just over running the keyboard buffer. I have also ensured that APU command is not mapped to my joystiq or throttle. First switch I try and program and I have ground to a halt! I have attached by small Target GUI file Any help gratefully received F18.zip
  7. Hi DCS installed on a new PC that is stable and running Windows 8.1 64 bit. I was using DCS fine yesterday after activation, but today whilst on a simple mission I am getting crashing - be it on A10, FC3 or P51. The A10 crashed on me whilst I was sat running through my start-up procedures. Log file attached if anyone can point me in the right direction. dcs.zip
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