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  1. more than 8G content internal memory and SSD is necessary.
  2. to solute this problem the best way is using SSD or just waitting without click when going into the sim.
  3. after updating 128.26834 i found a real serious issues that there exits an delay after press keyboard button.and it caused alot of other issues: 1.changing angle of view such as F1/F2/F3/F5 is no longer quick as before. 2.moving camera position in F2 view in using Num123456789 and / or * is no longer quick and accurate as before. 3.moving FOV in F1 view is also no longer quick and accurate as before when operating FOV with keyboard ,but with track ir it is ok as before. 4.there is also a delay when controlling aircraft.aircraft‘s action is slower than the movement of controlling stick in game. 5.there is also a delay when radar TDC is moving. 6...... 7...... 8...... all these delays appeard in 128.26834 and not in 26123 and 26442.i have already reinstall the game and rebuilt the input config profiles but the issues still alive.anyone has same experience? this almost makes me go crazy.now i have to revert to 128.26442. i tried all i can do to solve it but now i can do nothing.i think the most possible reason is that there is a big bug in new version of input config. i hope developers can pay attention to and solve it as soon as possible.thanks a lot!
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