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Everything posted by Lonewolf73

  1. Here it is.. As you can see in RIO seat the fuel state is incorrect. If I switch to front radio (pilot radio) the value seems right. The problem seems correlated to the external tank, if they are empty or jettisoned, then the value is not correct. The value for the pilot are always right! Let me know. Thanks Lonewolf test tomcat-20201212-223251.trk
  2. Hi Bignewy, I'm looking for a pilot in my group to reproduce this... In single player is ok but in MP we always found it. I'll post a track ASAP.. thanks
  3. Hi all, We have experienced some incorrect fuel state report during landing in SC with F-14B. If the Rio makes the communications, for "inbound" or "see you at 10", the [remaining fuel state] is incorrect in the subtitle and in the audio. The amount of fuel is greater then real, seems that rio have full external tanks (also if you dont have any external fuel tanks). The pilots [remaining fuel state] comm (audio and subtitle), instead, are correct . thanks Lonewolf
  4. I asked becouse here in DCS the things are not written in the stone like for real operations. We are not a squadron ( not like real one) and we arrive, after the mission, at the Stennis in pairs or in a 4 ships formation and go for landing on random way... With Airboss script the Stennis gives u a hold stack as soon as u ask for marshall, if I'm the first arrived, I'll get the 2000' and a charlle time, the other after gets 3000' if I haven't commenced yet... I just thinked that it will be easier if SC (who knows who is in his way back to the mother) gives you the altitude. Just that. Thanks
  5. Thanks I understand but in DCS?? What about AI? Public Server? We use a lot the Airboss Moose script and it will generate a queque (when you check in) , where the rule is "first in first out" and you can check your status and your assigned altitude and when to lower down in the stack... Will be useful if when I check in the boss tell me where to go (altitude)...
  6. Hi everyone, I miss one thing from SC manual. After the inbound call, does the sc gives me an holding altitude? I don't see any radio call for 2000', 3000' etc Do I have to understand somehow the other flights stack altitude and then choose the right one for me? At "see me at 10" seems that you have to know your stack alt. Thanks Lonewolf
  7. Hi everyone, I have little issue with Airboss... I’d like to make messages from marshall and LSO little longer. I mean subtitle. I found “message.duration” in airboss.lua but it affect only few messages. Is the subduration in moose.lua the correct parameter? Thanks! Lonewolf
  8. Hi I know u are working on it but just to let u know.. during mission 6 (after turning in to the valley) the lead crash in to the trees during the flight.. maybe becouse of too low level flight Lone
  9. Same for Mi-8.. maybe one day... :thumbup:
  10. I never reported a Bug but after an hour o so DCS crash. This time appened during RTB in mission 4 Rad Flag A10C campaign. It appens often during game after a while. I don't understand if its a hardware problem (Video card crash?) or the game has problem. thanks a lot Lone Log and spec attached. Log.zip
  11. Its about 3days that we are trying everything. Only reinstall is the last choice. We can join in other public servers and play all three of us. We cannot see us in server list when one of us is hosting. (server list number doesnt change) We opened port 10308 in router TCP and UDP. If we check the port with an online checker it doesnt work. (maybe ISP block this test) If we open DCS as a server we can see UPnP open the ports. We tryed to cancel the Saved Games/DCS folder. nothing appen. 2 days ago I see Simon1279 Server for just a few seconds.. then nothing. any other ideas? :) thanks for all the help you give us.
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