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Everything posted by Entih

  1. You are both excellent people. The issue was definitely pilot error, in that I was the pilot. The heavy load and heavy braking were too much for the poor wheels. A lighter load had no such popping in a few test landings. Didn't see any recommendations in the manual about weight for landing, so I figured I would practice with a load that I might have after a dull mission. Means I will have to be more cautious landing a heavy 27 when I hit the campaign!
  2. Hello there! Reporting possible bug here. The rear wheels on the Su-27 seem to enjoy popping with some ridiculous regularity. In my experience, any time whatsoever that a constant wheel brake pressure is applied for over a few seconds, the wheels will pop, even when in perfectly straight movement. This is most prominent in landing, when I can't actually use wheel brake to stop, but have to use the drag chute alone. You can see this poppage in action here, as well as in the attached track (same track as video). Happens in the current 1.2.14 open beta, no clue if this is in other versions. wheelsontheplane.trk
  3. I seem to be getting some frequent crashes when trying to play the A-10C campaign with CA in DCS World. I attempted the first mission three times, with two of those resulting in a "DCS World has encountered a problem" crash seemingly out of nowhere, preventing progress. I am using the 1.2.14 beta, and have the logs attached. Logs.rar
  4. Figure I should post this here rather than hassle with a new thread, same issue pretty much and just want to make it known. Decided to restart the campaign (DCS World via Steam, campaign without CA) with a new pilot. It was the CAS mission which I did and landed (got my first A-10 A-A kill on it on a flighty Su-25 even), just had to wait for the ground forces to get to position. I watch them roll through external view, and the game crashes as the tank squad I am watching fires on a tank I missed. In case its useful to find the particular culprit of the crash, I have attached the .crash and .dmp files, in a .rar archive. crashlog.rar
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