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  1. Hi Nicholas, dropped you an e-mail on the 8th of Januar, still no reply. Thanx in advance
  2. Thanx TC i will give it a try, but activating my serial# online, the other modules activated automatically while running DCS. How to..
  3. In the mission editor it says "player". Probably its an activation issue, in the modules there is a serial#, so how can i contact Leatherneck?
  4. I gave it a try, but still the same..
  5. No, can get in F2 but can't use the F1 button, actually the plane moves by itself and take-off..
  6. When i start a training or a mission with the MiG, it starts in mapview and i can't get in the cockpit, the F1 key doesn't work. I have no problem with the other modules. Does anybody have an idea whats going wrong? Thanx in advance. (I already posted in bugs an problems/ general, hope i can get here a bit more attention to my problem)
  7. When i start up a training or a mission, it starts in mapmode and i can't get in the cockpitview, what do i have to do?
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