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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS A10c
  • Location
    BC Canada
  • Interests
    Motorcycle road racing, flight sims, electronics
  • Occupation
  1. I may have a source for a 5"x5" lcd monitor that would be perfect to making A-10C MFds. The catch is I have to purchase a minimum quantity, which I would be willing to do, and then sell them over the following year (or 2 or 3). Its hard to gauge the actual demand for this in the PC game and hobbyist market. Searching the forums shows some people have been trying to source an appropriate monitor, but the 1:1 aspect ration is impossible to find. Note these are the same size as the real A-10C MFDs, and will not fit the Cougar MFD OSB bezels. Who would consider buying a raw LCD (just the frame, no enclosure) and add their own OSB bezel? and at what price range? How about buying a plug-and-play LCD, with a functional bezel and buttons (presents as a USB joystick), HDMI input, ready to mount on a MIP (looks like the A-10C MFD)? Maybe with luck, I will have to make a small company to sell these.:)
  2. I purchased it from https://www.flighthelmet.com/category/ACPE.html for about $250. They don't always have one available, so keep an eye on their stock.
  3. I finally started actually building something, after a few years of watching others build awesome pits. I have decided on a A-10c pit, as close to real as possible, within reason. The first small , humble step consists of a real A-10a throttle, screwed to a piece of wood. The throttle was modified to resemble an A-10c throttle (added boat switch, 4-way mic switch, 4-way collie hat, replaced broken slew sensor with PS2 style mini joystick) I used an old Saitek Cyborg EVO joystick and two EG-Starts USB input cards to interface with the throttle. This project is expected to span a few years, but it's a labor of love. Steve
  4. I did some more testing and its not the syntax. ProtocolIO.lua is not receiving any UDP packets. I added some lines of code to ProtocolIO.lua to log the UDP messages to a log file, and nothing is logged. I even checked that everything would work by adding the line, self:rxbuf ="EPP_BATTERY_PWR 1\n" to simulate receiving this message, and the switch was set in the game, and the log file recorded the message. So, for some reason the UDP packets are not getting through. I will have to investigate if it's a send issue or a receive issue.
  5. Thanks for the quick response Ian. No luck with your suggested change. I also tried: "EPP_BATTERY_PWR 1" & chr$(10) "EPP_BATTERY_PWR 1" & vbnewline "EPP_BATTERY_PWR 1" & chr$(13) "EPP_BATTERY_PWR 1" & chr$(13) & chr$(10) I wish to know the actual byte values that Socat sends to dcs-bios in other people's setup, even though I'm not using it. Might be help full. I'm running Windos7,64bit and VB6 runs fine. I find VB6 very easy and quick to bash out test programs. I've also interfaced many hardware projects with VB6. I commend you on the effort you put into helping this community. Regards, Steve.
  6. Hi fellow builders/programmers, The issue: There is no response to imports (A-10c sim, unpaused, DCS v1.5.8.12667). My test involves switching the battery switch on or off by sedning a UDP message. Exports work fine. My setup: I'm sending/receiving to DCS-BIOS v0.7.1 using UDP from a VisualBasic-6 program (don't laugh) running on another computer. The DCS-BIOS export works well, the VB6 program reads and parses the data, and displays a few switch states and the CDU text correctly as a test. The VB6 program listens on port 7777, and sends to (IP of the PC running DCS) The VB6 program sends a UDP message when I click a control button, but there is no response in the simulator. The message sent is "EPP_BATTERY_PWR 1\n". Here is what I've tried: A simple UDP test program, running on the same PC as DCS, receives and displays incoming data on port 7778. The UDP test program receives the battery message correctly. So I'm assuming the ports and programs are not blocked by firewalls, and IP addresses are correct. Using Resource Monitor, I've confirmed DCS.exe is receiving the messages, and VB6 and DCS are fully unblocked. I've run the VB6 program on the same PC as DCS, set IP to (and changed the IP in BIOSConfig.lua to match). VB6 will still receive the exports fine, but imports still don't work. The dcs-bios.log is empty. The dcs.log shows no related errors. This is my BIOSConfig.lua file: BIOS.protocol_io.connections = { -- BIOS.protocol_io.DefaultMulticastSender:create(), -- BIOS.protocol_io.TCPServer:create(), BIOS.protocol_io.UDPSender:create({ port = 7777, host = "" }), BIOS.protocol_io.UDPListener:create({ port = 7778 }) } Have I made a mistake with the syntax of the message?
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