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  1. Thanks for words of encouragement. I got through the night mission and the next one I completed on the first try. Shot down their AWACs for fun. There are flanker training videos I keep hearing about. I tried searching for them on youtube. Does anyone know where they are?
  2. Well I am having a bit of trouble with this campaign but I am trying to get through it none the less. Lot of trial and error with different tactics. I am wondering what you guys experience is? It is quite difficult to dodge those multiple F16s with AIM 120s. Right now I am on the fourth mission (the night mission). I dont do labels so dont have your advice be "turn on labels." For those who are also struggling, here are the missions I have done and how I passed them: Second mission (escorting Radar Strike) Send your wingmen out and lure F-16s into your SAM zone, engage the rest. Third mission (escorting strategic bombers): Send wing men to engage, use the nearby mountains to pop up on their flanks Fourth:? Fifth? Sixth...etc? Sometimes I think life would be better with AIM 120s on an SU-27. One can dream... :joystick:
  3. Hi guys, I am a very casual LOMAC player and I have always just done Su 27s and MIGs. I was wondering if there is a written guide to radar management and combat capabilities for FC 2.0 Thanks in advance.
  4. I think BS and LOMAC is a bit like comparing apples to oranges, as one is for popping up behind mountains and busting some armor, and the other is about pulling a lot of Gs 10,000m in the air. flight model for bs is much more comprehensive though.
  5. I am sure people who are on this quite often will be annoyed by this question, however I check every now and again to find out the progress of this game, and I have not heard anything yet. I was wondering if anyone here knows if the game is out yet or if the team has a concrete release date. Thank you for any answers.
  6. So, I reinstall the Lock On 1.12 (with the update), and I have a problem when I am targeting enemy aircraft and adjusting my speed. It seems when I flip to Air to air mode and lock on to an enemy aircraft, I cannot adjust my speed using the throttle, the speed is locked. Of coarse, I check to see if thrust autopilot is turned on, and it is not. So, I have no idea why this problem is being caused, maybe someone out there can help me -Yuri from Tallinn
  7. So when I am designing a campaign with rocket artillery such as the GRAD and SMERCH units, they never seem to want to launch. Any suggestions to fix this?
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