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  1. Just tried it again from Mission Editor. Vietnam Assets Mod loaded (OH-6 thing) and after the patch installed on 30/10/2024 : Massive FPS loss in Chinook, very high FPS loss in Kiowa.
  2. Removed all mods. Tried Chinook, Hip, Kiowa and Gazelle. Track attached. Perf good with Hip and Gazelle. FPS drop with Kiowa and Chinook. nicosia_airport.trk dcs_nomods_29102024.zip
  3. Apologies, is this the log under C:\Users\Me\Saved Games\DCS\Logs ? Hoping this is what is wanted. dcs_stuff_28102024.zip
  4. Not just happening in multi, and not just me. Also severe fps drop for others while hovering over this roof.
  5. Brilliant server, great fun. Sea rescues are tough! Knowing rope length required is also tough. Tried firefighting and couldn't see any smoke. Great way to learn good control.
  6. Right, the solution was to remove the "function layout()" and "end" lines from the very start and the very end of the profile. And then to rename the file the same name as DCS sees in the column next to keyboard for Options. So in my case the file had to be called T.Flight Hotas X.lua. DCS then saw the file and parsed it correctly. BTW, this solution was provided in the following thread : Cheers.
  7. Cannot load a profile I'm trying to use the Thrustmaster Hotas X profile from this thread : http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=83516 It doesn't want to load under the Options Load Profile section. DCS sess the Thrustmaster, and I've been able to add modifiers, but cannot get a profile loaded. Tried using the .diff.lua extension that the file broswer looks for by default. Tried modifying the default.lua file with the config of the profile from the thread above. Basically stuck. I know its a cheap HOTAS, but I'd at least like to get through the training before I decide on the Warthog stick.
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