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  1. I'm kinda surprised the devs (if indeed VR performance is a big issue for them) don't spend more time on solving (as many mods can/have) the prop artifacts that come with motion smoothing. I think that would probably be more beneficial for perfomance in the short term as as of right now I cannot use MS with many modules because of the artifacts.
  2. Do you find the problem on all missions? For me it seems to be mission/map dependant especially syria I think, whereas general performace is very smooth.
  3. Have noticed that certain missions are stuttering (to the point where its unplayable) without any apparent cause (used to be fine) even when graphics settings are modest and the actual performance seems smooth. Syria might be the problem as that seems to be the map where these stutters are most apparent. Anyone else find the same or know of a potential workaround? Does not seem to be all of Syria just certain maps/missions (Scud busters) that may have been problematic in the past but are much worse now. Elsewhere performance is better than it's ever been.
  4. Certainly happy with MT myself. But not just MT but DCS as a whole though some missions (map sections, modules etc) still have erratic performance issues. Open XR options/tweaks, MT and the new lighting and graphical upgrades all combine to create an extremely immersive and realistic experience in VR especially during certain missions. There are times when I think it even gives MSFS a run for its money, maybe not over cities and such, but out in the mountain ranges and in bad weather conditions it is very convincing!
  5. Yeah have the same thing on that part of the map. It's unplayble so I just ignore that map.
  6. It's okay, I just wanted to see if others are experiencing the same (on the Scud busters mission) as these are really issues (fps drops when assets are being loaded in are as old as DCS) that I would expect the devs are aware of anyway. I was not so much reporting a bug but hoping someone would come up with a fix, though for this reason I'll keep my thoughts out of the bug section in future! Second post, was really more of a rant, as I know for a fact most DCS users are suffering from the missing textures problem as there are so many posts about it already!
  7. I'd agree with that logic if it was a real helicopter that had been badly and inexplicably botched! But with a computer simulation I'd say that 'fixes' are basically the same thing as improvements ironing out unintended bugs. But whether the progress of the appache module is too slow I have no idea really. I guess it depends if the devs are working on this module full time, or having got it into a playable state, have now been allocated to other newer development projects, that will bring in more cash, with the appache relegated to a part time project! I guess that could be answered if one were to compare the speed of development from when the Appache itself was a newer development project, to its development speed now!
  8. Yeah seems to be worse on some missions or even modules (appache is not great performance wise) as well. Spawning of planes and various assets has been an age old problem with DCS but I don't rememember radio messages doing the same!
  9. Piles are a reality of being a pilot and poor George is no exception!
  10. And honestly, what is up with the textures on certain missions? The missions take long enough to load up as it is, and then it takes like another 5 minutes for the textures to load in (the ground is water so hard luck if you start in the air). Not even sure when the textures stop loading in, and for all I know this could be degrading performance too!
  11. I've noticed in some missions certain radio messages (not all interestingly) are lagging the game and causing fps drops/stutters. Anyone experiencing the same, or know of a workaround? Seems especially prevalent in the mission Scud busters. Pretty unplayable, but there seems to be a lot of stutters in certain missions in 2.8.
  12. Shimmers are certainly not eliminated for myself. In some scenes its pretty damned shimmery (I roll play its just a trick of the eye/glass cockpit!) it's just something I can live with compared to before as in many places its not really that noticible. I feel the fluidity (and it has nice clarity) trumps the shimmers. MSSA 4x is totally doable on my system, but if you get into massive forrest landscapes it can get pretty stuttery (unless you turn trees down which looks far worse than shimmers)! I also run clouds on ultra as they are pretty damned shimmery on any other setting beside ultra. It's really just about trade offs and personal preference. Some people can't live without shadows, but although I appreciate how much better they are when on, they are something I can personally live without for performance sake. Take a helicopter like the Gazelle and fly it around downtown Vegas without MSSA, or shadows. Not only does it look fine IMO, but the immersion is massively enhanced by how smooth and responsive it feels while performing wild acrobatics in and out, and around all the skyscrapers!
  13. It's the performance issues that clinch it for me. Especially with massive forrests and things. To be honest though I really don't find the shimmers too bad these days in most situations. It might be an open XR setting I'm using or something but in the old days I defo found no MSSA unbearable but not so much now.
  14. Is it me, or does the sim look better without MSSA these days? Not saying it looks 'better' as in superior (although with the increased clarity it is kind of a toss up) but only that, unlike in the old days, the performance increase seems to trump the shimmering now. Hell, I was just flying downtown vegas and to be honest the shimmering was minimal while the performance itself was as smooth as butter. Don't think I can go back, and think I'm finally ready to ditch MSSA! Not sure if its the sim itself, or open XR perhaps, but its hard to discard that kind of fluidity. Also think open XR's basic 'shadows' might be a better alternative to the real thing. They don't produce real shadows but they at least cast darkness onto the cockpit occasionally which is good enough for me I think....
  15. It's an instant action mission.
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