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  1. ex81's post in Troops not embarking when helicopter set to cold start was marked as the answer   
    As long as the heli is cold and dark, they wont embark. I set the heli to uncontrolled and a time to start after 45 sec. It takes some time until you see the heli workin`but the boys are already in.
    Troops Move--Test.miz
    Think I uploadedthe wrong mission file
    Troops Move2nd-Test.miz
  2. ex81's post in What happend to the AGM 62 Walleye ? was marked as the answer   
    Thank you for the reply. Did a DCS repair and it`s back again. No idea what I had destroyed.
  3. ex81's post in Training mission: A-10C II AN/AAQ-28 LITENING-II Auto pilot problem. was marked as the answer   
    I tested the mission and you are right. The plane turns to the right and crashes. But it`s simple to avoid this. Engage the autopilot yourself and the problem is gone.
    I hope you know already how to do it. Hope this helps.
  4. ex81's post in External lighting nonfunctional? was marked as the answer   
    Try Exterior Light Switch ON/OFF  with  Keyboard "L".
    Position- and Formation Lights as shown on your screen shot.
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