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  1. They're already too high in this crashing economy.
  2. ED needs to put in some vehicle modules, better units for the infantry / mechanized, and better Ai for all.
  3. Times are getting hard, and things are costing too much.
  4. FPS, if we're lucky. Then maybe there would be an actual GAME to play.
  5. Well, that new Unreal Engine 5.2 WHOLE WORLD sim is about to come out, and it's going to be FPS and Air / Ground / Sea Study Level vehicle sim. So you're about to have competition on a Modern Engine.
  6. I know right? The GPU prices are getting INSANE.
  7. Simple. You just have to get close to an APC / Tank etc. Fly in as fast as you can, while maintaining as much cover as you can get. Get within a few meters of it. Make sure your rockets are ready to fire. Now, fly sideways as you fire at the tank, circling around the tank as you keep your nose pointed at it. The idea is to spin around the tank with your nose pointed at it, faster than he can turn his turret to fire at you. Doing this, you can punch hard at him with 80mm rockets (at least, that is my preferred weapon for this maneuver ). Of course, the best time to do this maneuver is when the tank is distracted by other tanks / aircraft, and doesn't see you coming.
  8. Nvidia are being some really greedy bastards. I'm waiting to take a look at AMD's new GPU on the 20th of next month.
  9. Yeah, having that same problem. It's like constant VRS.
  10. Yeah, that doesn't look like FLIR.
  11. The problem with FPS in DCS is the ground is just not there. The terrain is just too simple. As are the buildings. The trees are decent though.
  12. I agree that Arma is nothing great. There is another "World" simulation in pre-Alpha on Unreal 5 coming out. I won't mention it's name here, but it aims for DCS sim level aircraft, while also introducing sim vehicles and FPS. Tech is moving on from Arma.
  13. Yeah, waiting to see what the 7950X3D can do compared to Intel 13900k. That extra cache might make quite the difference.
  14. Just remember, the 4090 may be expensive, but in Winter, it makes for a great space heater.
  15. Waiting for DCS 2 on Unreal 6 Engine.
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