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Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    DCS Openbeta
    MSFS 2020
  • Location
    West Sussex, UK
  1. Thanks for your reply norbot. Looks very much like my problem. I'll open up the base today and have a look around.
  2. Out of the blue my warthog stick developed a big problem. All buttons on the stick are permanently on, like they are all being pressed at the same time. I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling drivers but no luck. The axis work fine and the throttle is fine. Any ideas?
  3. Looks like RAM is not as simple as it used to be... Might see what I can do with the budget and get 32GB at decent speed and CAS, upgrading later is going to be more difficult, I want to have a matched pair of sticks. I’m used to 25 to 30 FPS so even doubling that will be a great result... Thanks for the input guys, will start ordering bits this week, can’t wait to get back in to tinkering again. My 8 year old boy is getting excited too, great way to teach him about computers.
  4. Tanks for the reply BitMaster What would be a better choice for DCS, lower speed (3200) 32GB RAM or higher speed (3600) 16GB? Ive looked at AIO coolers but I like the simplicity of a good aircooler (Im old school :-) ), Im thinking of a Noctua NH-D15.
  5. In the distant past I used to build my own machines but then work and kids came along and I bought a prebuilt 6 years ago. My PC must be one of the slowest here, i5 4670 with GTX 760... I’ve never seen more then 30fps. So, time to upgrade and start building my own machine again. This is the basis of the build: Ryzen 7 3700x RTX 2070 super https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/Dtdhq3 I’m planning to play flight Sims mainly, DCS mostly. I want to be able to fly in 1440p. I’m not interested in VR at this time, maybe in 2 years or so. Any tips or critiques of my plan will be appreciated, like I said, it’s been over a decade since my last build.
  6. I dont post very often (or at all) but I just wanted to add my opinion. I've just received my upgrade (#1596) and it was easy to setup, instructions where clear and it works great. In 30 years of flightsims Ive never modded anything, this was a great start. Keep up the good work!
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