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  1. Two Reg numbers MH434 and MH101 are we getting two or will there be squadron variations?
  2. I have just updated 1.5 and now the cursor is a white spot that changes to a blue cross then disappears and it will not operate anything in the cockpit. Help please.
  3. Sorry for delay. I am using standard ground texture
  4. 970 card and default settings in DCS
  5. Not sure if this is the right place to ask but what are the best settings in DCS to work with the CV1 Rift. In cockpit views are ok but outside not good and over water terrible. Any suggestions please.
  6. Thanks it worked now I have to get over feeling sick!
  7. Managed to get DCS working with the rift but there is no sound works in the home page but not with DCS. Any ideas?
  8. Did you manage to get it to work again?
  9. Just setup my new Oculus Rift and all went well, checked for outside source and set DCS 1.5 to recognise the Rift but when I load DCS world now all I get is a grey square in the middle of the monitor the cursor will not move out of it and the Rift stays dark. Can anyone help please.
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