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Everything posted by A2K

  1. So you said you have tried different headsets, different signal sources, but just one converter box. Most likely your super cheap VGA to HDMI converter has fried your headsets. Cheap ebay electronics is not always certified, and many manufacturers skip HDMI certification because royalties are much higher than the profit that they are going to make. This means that most likely nobody has ever tested that box over long duration of time. Since the box is not guaranteed to follow HDMI specification, it can do something like output a signal with incorrect voltage level. The HDMI inputs are usually protected, but voltage protection is usually implemented as reverse diode, so it degrades very quickly under breakdown voltage (when it is triggered by high voltage). This can explain why it started flickering first and eventually stopped working.
  2. Thanks for regular performance and graphics updates! Great job!
  3. Thanks for performance optimizations in recent update! I am playing on constant 90fps now. Here is me flying L-39 in HTC Vive: [ame] [/ame]
  4. I play on a very similar system (980+i7) with HTC Vive. Yes, the performance hit is very significant compared to 4K resolution. The only way the game is currently playable on HTC Vive is on minimal view distance. Other settings seem to not affect performance significantly. The frame rate still drops below playable when large number of buildings is visible. And the frame rate rarely drops below 90 while flying above buildings models rendering range. Even on minimal settings the load time is ridiculously long. It is a big deal in VR. The game basically freezes while loading and makes the player wait in a SteamVR virtual environment without any indication of progress or failure. The game also sometimes crashes while loading leaving me waiting on some virtual island forever. When it works, it is the most amazing and the most realistic VR experience today. Even though just starting the game is a torture... Same problem on both 1.5 and 2.0. Devs, please fix the game. At least give us an option to disable 3D buildings. VR camera zoom would be a very useful feature too. It is very hard to read labels in the cockpit in VR. Every time I do a cold start I wish for a virtual magnifying glass...
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