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  1. How much did it cost you? Do not count 3d printing, I have my own and I can model it. It would be ideal if you could send me the link directly.
  2. Hello, I need help with making a thrustmaster mfd with display. I found this variant witch would cost`s me 41 € https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004203738903.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.11.6a431802PlBndW and it is made like in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOpTW5GudeI&ab_channel=JS_DCS does anybody have any experience with this or could you recommend some other variant that you use ?
  3. Sorry my english . I read the topic, I ask you for your opinion on virpil base
  4. I know but i what dou thing about virpil base
  5. I would like advice on exchanging x55 from saitek.I assume that from x55 I will use Throttle . Budget 360 € I choose between the following options Thrustmaster Hotas Warthog Flight Stick https://www.amazon.de/Thrustmaster-Warthog-Flight-Joystick-Software/dp/B00CCYYC5Q/ref=sr_1_3?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=DDS620PXP7U3&keywords=thrustmaster+warthog&qid=1574953820&sprefix=Thrustmaster+wa%2Caps%2C175&sr=8-3 VPC WarBRD Base + Grips https://virpil-controls.eu/vpc-warbrd-base.html I prefer virpil because thrustmaster Warthog is strongers and it is necessary to use more force. I have this problem with x55. If you advise me another manufacturer on a level like virpil I will be glad. If I take the assumption virpil so what Grip ?? I have practically 3 options https://virpil-controls.eu/vpc-mongoost-50cm2-grip.html https://www.amazon.de/Thrustmaster-Joystick-Warthog-Cougar-Software/dp/B07S5FC1HS/ref=sr_1_2?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=DDS620PXP7U3&keywords=thrustmaster+warthog&qid=1574953820&sprefix=Thrustmaster+wa%2Caps%2C175&sr=8-2 And w8 to february 2020 to this https://virpil-controls.eu/catalog/product/view/id/67/s/vpc-constellation-alpha-r/category/25/ The problem is that I started to fly the f-18 therefore probably prefer the f-18 grip but I do not know anywhere to find whether the use of the f-18 grip is compatible with virpil base and especially whether it does not make a problem. Would you advise me?
  6. Thx i make my left monitor have RDDI and AMPCD i dont need more. But problem is resolution i set 3600x1080 but problem is i in game task bar. If i deactiv full screan all screan move and is not center. And second monitor i see windows deskop but only small line
  7. Hi, I have two monitors. The problem is that they don't have the same resolution.I would like to ask is it possible on the hornet on the main have a normal working cabin and on the other have only DDi L / R and ACD? And if you would help me with the because I tried it according to the instructions on youtube and it didn't work. Primary monitor is 1680x1050 second is 1920 x 1080
  8. I would like to learn to fly with this aircraft and before I sit down I want to see video / read the operating instructions, etc. Is there a complete manual because you have some good resources to get started?
  9. thx all. I go and buy f -18 hornet.
  10. More good what i say i dont whant one type mission a/g or a/a and this 2 aircraft make that
  11. can you explain what the A2G radar is
  12. Load capacity is higher for whom? Does any aircraft have camera module for launching laser-guided bombs? Yes but i whant same A/A mode and for A-10 is not good. But lot of mission is nice
  13. 377/5000 Hello. I need advice on choosing an aircraft. I choose between f-16 and fa-18. Personally, I have no experience with flying. I only flew on the k-50. Personally, I don't prefer A / A very much, but rather A / G. From the videos I saw that more equipment on A / G has the F-16. Plus it should have a better radar and pilot's helmet. Therefore, I want to ask what you would recommend me as a novice fa-18 or f-16
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