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Everything posted by alertic

  1. Still no solution here then replace openxr with an old dll?
  2. I have rolled back Open Composite to an August build. It works again. but not sure if I am allowed to share this dll version. Edit: here ist the official link https://ci.appveyor.com/project/ZNix/openovr/builds/44737351/job/3gqqsloajd7rl87y/artifacts download 64bit artifact and replace "*\OpenComposite\Runtime\bin\vrclient_x64.dll" with the new one... don't forget to rename and backup old one if you update, it overwrite the dll again
  3. I have the same problem with my hp reverb g2 controller... they used to connect as occulus touch device and it worked. Now since 2-3 weeks and a new openxr update dcs shows the controller as vive and grip is mouse wheele up and trigger is leftclick... no binding possible.. If someone has a solution it would be great. I rolled back to old openxr dll mid august and it works again...
  4. I struggle also with the new Open Composite. The new Runtime bin vrclient_x64.dll list the handtracking in DCS as a VIVE Controller. Nothing works anymore.. I can not bind the keys and same as Rampster I have only left click on trigger and wheel up on grip button I rolled back to a old Runtime (middle august) and the handtracking is listet as Occulus touch and I can bind all the keys and no special behaviour for grip button Someone know how to solve this? I don't think its OpenXR Toolkit but a OpenComposite Runtime problem
  5. Same, I did a rollback to an older openvr_api.dll (version 1.0.860) and it works again. I have OpenComposite systemwide install tool and just replaced vrclient_x64.dll with the old openvr_api.dll (renamed)
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