Hey this is CH53E the CO of 251. We have had a change to how we run the squadron. While the intent is to eventually work towards the way a real squadron operates we are focusing on building the comradely we need to be successful. Which means less training and more missions. Recruiting is still open and if you were ever interested you may want to swing by again and see what’s changed.
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The squadron will be working on Air to ground tactics tonight as a start to building the squadron comradely and standardization. Please feel free to visit our site for more information. http://www.vmfa251.com
Hey Mac,
We can get you added. Tonight about 6:30 or tomorrow click on the teamspeak status box on our web site. The password is Thunderbolts. We will assist you then.
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Starting ground school for the F/A-18C. If you are looking to join a new squadron and get in during the formation, I hope you will stop by our forum and maybe even join us.