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Posts posted by Parkbank

  1. Thats another problem that may compound this one; the lack of a steady income stream (ie, subscription fees) means ED can only feed its developers if they keep releasing new modules (regardless of their state of readiness) and they have every incentive to focus their developers time on new stuff rather than on fixing year old issues or even maintain the stable channel.These new early access module typically rely on users running OB, so EB kinda needs their customers to run OB.


    That system is broken. But when a poll is published here if people want a subscription based model, >80% voted no. Something has to give.



    Exactly fixing the core game does not generate money.



    How would a subscription look like? It coule be a way out but im very hesitant. I spend almost around 800€ on DCS over the past 5 years. Thats a lot of money for a video game. I racing costs around 100€/year. So will i get 8 years of free subscription or would those 800€ be gone?

    Id personally be really pissed if i had spend that much money and now need to pay to keep playing it. If they move to subscription they would also need to lower the module prices drastically. At least by 60-70%.

  2. Open beta

    I am sure stable build is working just fine, maybe ED should just get rid of open beta.



    OPEN BETA is what is advertised by ED. They release their new money horses on it and stable gets rarely updated. For example the JF17 has only been added 2 weeks ago although its released since December. On top of that even in stable there are a shitton of old bugs and problems. Its just not as critical as "you cant play at all anymore".



    Open Beta is a very good and usefull tool for the Devs and community if used right. The current Beta version is treated as an Dev Alpha. Critical and software breaking bugs get shipped to the customer. Basic functionality of the product is not guaranteed. That is ALPHA level of development not what a BETA is meant to be.



    Getting back to OP:

    Yes it would be very good to see them just merging features and updates as soon as they run well on OB to a stable version. I think the underlying issue with this is, that ED does not use a proper version control tool and they cant just update a few branches without using the whole thing. At least it seems to be the matter otherwise we would not see update after update where parts get left out or wrong versions being releases left and right.

    Its a serious issue.

  3. Hey guys,



    im having constant CTDs flying the JF17. First i thought it is connected to using the DL as it crashed very often when using it but i turned it off since and im still having random CTDs every now and then. The CTDs are so frequent, that landing after a sortie is like 50/50 chance if i CTD mid flight or not.



    So far i completly reinstalled DCS, which helped for a few flights but now the CTDs are back.



    Any help welcome :)

    BlueFlag - Persian Gulf v0.939 - F14 red.miz-dynamic-20200424-172812.trk


  4. Hey,



    im trying to update my gamefiles to the latest version..... as i took a bit of a pause its around 35GB update files. DCS Updaters Torrent runs with 264 peers and a DL Speed of 360 kb/s. At that point ordering a USB stick with the Data from Amazon would be faster than waiting for it to complete....

    I know that after big updates the download speeds were low but catched up quickly after a couple hours.... this is now ongoing for hours and hours. Im at 10% after 3 hours...


    Anyone has an idea or workaround? Is Steam faster and then just Copy Paste files over and let DCS "repair" it?

  5. Yeah. I bet a 2D slot machine binds 90% of the team by 3 hours. How could you ED? ;)



    Considering what they have been releasing over the last few patches and what trivial bugs that pass their internal testing.... it could very well be. I mean they had to release without being broken aswell, first try.

  6. Im having the same issues in Multiplayer.




    1. I uninstalled the F14 and reinstalled it. Did not have the time to fully reinstall DCS (takes quite a while to reinstalll all modules and maps again)




    2. I did run a repair. Nothing was found.


    3. I have a few custom cockpit mods for other modules but they should not interfere with the F14 (just visuals)


    4. I7 7700K 4,5GHz, GTX 1060 6GB Vram, 16GB Ram, 500GB SSD with DCS on it



    5. Pretty much happens everytime i fly the F14. When is random, sometimes after 30 minutes, sometimes after 2 hours. It always happens when i use the PAL mode. It picks up a target, gets it locked and 1 second later i get booted to the dektop, no logfile, nothing. DCS just instantly crashes back to desktop.

    Sometimes it only affects my RIO. After locking someone up in PAL my RIO crashes to desktop. Afterwards i usually cant use my radar anymore as its more or less stuck.

    Sadly i do not have recordings of it or any track files. I try to get one if it happens again.... but it usually just crashes directly back to the desktop...



    7. Just Discord and Simple Radio



    8. Yes, up to date.



    Hope you guys find the issue.... really frustrating especially if you fly in Multiplayer and other people "depend" on you doing your job and you get randomly booted back to the desktop ^^

  7. Hey guys,



    the "ADV-" is always displayed on the left DDI even though all advisories have been cleared.

    At the moment it blocks all information displayed on the line of the selected DDI page. For example on the SA page it blocks out the BRA Information and the CHAFF/FLARE counters. Really limits the use of the left DDI.




    Is this intended behaviour on the F18C?

  8. Hey guys,




    amazing module. Really love flying it!

    I just have one problem with the plane. I understand its old. I understand some people like it but some switches are barely readable and pretty much guesswork what they mean (until you learn it). For example RIO pit number panel. Unless you zoom in almost fully they are unreadable...


    I really wish there is a little more "clean" texture :D

  9. TDC depress for maverick usage


    Since the new update you need to hold down the TDC to slew the mav. It may be realistic but it is in no way user friendly (same with the current radar elevation axis).

    Please either give us an option to remove the need to hold down the TDC or give us some sort of TDC toggle.

    None of the existing Sticks/Throttles can give you good results with 1 button (slewing while holding it down). Right now i have to use 2 buttons for 1 simple action.

    Not a usefull implementation



    Please change.

  10. "The Gadget map has been switched to development mode on purpose - no bug to report there

    Unfortunately, the quota/pricing changes for Google Maps recently going into effect have introduced quite some additional cost (the last 3 days alone have cumulated around 30€ of costs for Google Maps alone).

    We're actively looking for alternatives and/or solutions for this in the next days, bare with us in the meantime."



    Thats the reason. Can you stop "reeeing" now?

  11. Would be nice if they added some kind of HP system to the airports. Or sgment desruction of runway parts. That way you could sync it during restarts of the server and make it possible to shudown airfields with dedicated strikes over longer periods.


    Definitely a feature that would add a lot of gameplay options.

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