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Posts posted by GunnyCook

  1. I get the same, started a thread in AH bugs, 

    Removed all mods and did a slow repair deleting any files found after.

    created a map on cauc, 1 base with 1 AH and 1 KA/3.

    started a multiplayer server, selected the AH, spawned, hovered and landed, jumped into the KA/3 and the game crashed. 

    i have done the same with most of the maps i have with the same result.


  2. So the trim button has stopped holding the stick where i set it. i can hear it operating the button in the cockpit but it doesn't actually work.

    I tried iyt in the BS1 and 2 and it work as its supposed to, it also works in the other A/C how it should.

    started last week Sunday.


    i have not changed any settings or added any mods.


    any help would be appreciated.


  3. On 6/30/2022 at 5:04 PM, cfrag said:

     It's also a legitimate impediment for precision flight/landings, so it adds realism. I too wish this to be something that is expanded upon. 

    For real. there should be 4 frosted areas on my front shield restricting my view considerably. And yeah, at high speed it would be pretty much terminal, but in a low speed turnfight it would certainly be a hinderance.


  4. I cant believe (although i must) that this multi million dollar bird hasn't got stability controls, the sim version feels like the KA in raw mode. I hope the real thing isnt this hard to fly


  5. Update...

    So i downloaded the beta installer from the site and ran it, took about an hour to create the beta version.

    i think it just copied renamed and added to my original so not much needed downloading.

    All planes and helos work and all terrains are present, didnt even have to re-authorise.

    Did have to reassign controls or copy the file from the main game.

    Down side is that you need enough space on the drive for 2 installs.



  6. 9 hours ago, draconus said:

    uhm... it should be: DCS_updater.exe update @openbeta


    yeah... i tried that, all it did was tell me i was on the latest "stable " version and wouldn't update to beta,. tried it with and without the "@" still the same. it just wont update. and that program, its just a switcher, 



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